On the latest episode of The Kardashians, Kim Kardashian revealed ex-husband Kris Humphries made her to give up the 18-carat engagement ring that she paid for as part of their 2013 divorce settlement.
#kimkardashian #enews #krishumphries
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אלוהים הוא לא אנושי, שהוא ישקר, לא בן אדם, שהוא ישנה את דעתו. האם הוא מדבר ואז לא פועל? האם הוא מבטיח ולא מקיים?
I hope Humphries open his mouth and speak the facts about this family. Kim thinks she is the only one that can talk about him all the time. He never says nothing about her. He is living his BEST life. She can't forget him for any reason.
He never wanted you, ma'm.
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