On the latest episode of The Kardashians, Kim Kardashian revealed ex-husband Kris Humphries made her to give up the 18-carat engagement ring that she paid for as part of their 2013 divorce settlement.
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Kim kardashian is a bad mom
Why are these 2 women acting like Humphries is the bad guy? Have they forgotten how Kim became famous? She was desperate for fame and did everything she could to achieve it. She was married while pregnant with another man’s baby, yet they’re fixated on the ring? This is neither an empowering moment nor something that should be glorified.
This family disgusts me.
Did you all forget that she asked for a divorce after only 72 days but the battle remained for years as he asked an annulment because he said the wedding was a publicity stunt. Si yeah, she had the time to meat someone else and get pregnant.
Nah… He sued her for fraud. He deserved that ring because they paid him to come in and do a storyline and then made him look evil when he wouldn't play along anymore they tried to embarrass him. Nice try ladies. 😭🤣
The ring was used for the tv show in the works it symbolises a fake wedding/marriage.. She bort it yes but the wedding televised itself was the big pay out.
מספרים 23:19
אלוהים הוא לא אנושי, שהוא ישקר, לא בן אדם, שהוא ישנה את דעתו. האם הוא מדבר ואז לא פועל? האם הוא מבטיח ולא מקיים?
This just proves that Humphries was speaking that truth. That Kim and her mother Kris made him film the proposal many times. At the time, Kim said that this was a lie. But now…Look at that: she said that she was the one that bought the ring. So…
I hope Humphries open his mouth and speak the facts about this family. Kim thinks she is the only one that can talk about him all the time. He never says nothing about her. He is living his BEST life. She can't forget him for any reason.
He never wanted you, ma'm.
She should’ve given it back when she asked for a divorce.
Yall really got rid of daily + nightly pop for THIS???
This woman isn't loyal to anyone, she was pregnant with Kanye's baby while married to Kris Humphreys and then she was sleeping around with Pete while still married to Kanye. No man will ever take her seriously she's ran through
She paid for her own ring
We focused on the ring and not the fact she was pregnant with another mans baby while she was still married. Somehow shes the victim in this and him feeling some sort of way for being used as a chess piece and acting out is not okay or normal.
Lolz until she meets a rich o g
Kim is no good I'm glad Kris Humphries is doing better without her
KK has horrible taste in men
She was pregnant with Kanye's kid. She was wrong.
Diner on me ❤
Real story she was pregnant with another's man's baby while still married
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