The bucks players responded to a leader’s good advice. Does that mean there is still hope for the league? Also, what do you think of Rob Parker blaming the commissioner and Stephen A. blaming the players?
#nba #adamsilver #rolemodel #parenting #blame
Giannis was able to do it but you Americans won't follow him because you want an American to do it imo.
Just a crazy rant by a crazy person I guess.
Brought my own place at 25 and thought I was a big boy. Didn't change the way I behaved though.
hard work, dedication, consistency, poise, are things you can builda league around. not pandering. @nba
And some of these Youtubers get close to diagnosing the problem, they get really close; but at the end of the day, they always glazing LeBum James and pretending like he’s not the reason why the NBA viewership has tanked.
He literally ruined the NBA.
NBA cup is worthless. I hate the piece of crap until it has any value at all. I'm all for improving the regular season, but that isn't the solution. It's a pig with lipstick
Both self sabotaged their own organizations.
Just because bus rider KD complain then everyone wants to act like they weren't kissing the NBAs cheeks for the last 15 years? Yeah okay
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