The bucks players responded to a leader’s good advice. Does that mean there is still hope for the league? Also, what do you think of Rob Parker blaming the commissioner and Stephen A. blaming the players?
#nba #adamsilver #rolemodel #parenting #blame
listened and got destroyed 101-124 vs Cavs lol
This is the best take I've heard on this.
Adam "Nosferatu" Silver…The dude is pure nightmare fuel. Sooo creepy and evil looking. I'm sure he's been to his share of Diddy parties like his homegirl, Lebron.
I also like how this is an example of a coach getting better at coaching through experience and learning from the inevitable mistakes you make when you’re young and have very little experience. Bc I hear all the time from the LeVisionist Historians that Jordan got to play under the greatest coach of all time…..even when he was a first year head coach. Bc Phil Jackson is the only human in history to be the greatest ever at their job from their very first day they started🙄. This is the advantage they have arguing against things that happened 30-40yrs ago and they use this advantage ALL THE TIME. Which is why I think “LeVisionist Historian” is by far the most fitting name for the average Lebron fan. That’s aside from the fact I thought of it, of course—>humble brag 😎 I know. Just please disregard that I’ve seen it used by anyone else who isn’t me exactly 0 times. Despite using it countless times…In a ton of comment sections…from a huge variety of different channels😕….well it’s pretty damn clever to me so yeah, consider it a humble brag, got it?…..sorry, I really went off the rails there for second. What were we talking about?
Belt to ass gets my vote
Sad how they all are celebrating that cup like it means something. They made the NBA into soccer. Nobody want to watch that. 🤣
I'm done with this nonsense league.
The game is too far gone, I think the only thing that would work to fix the game is gettin rid of Adam silver, and gettin rid of most of the players. The commissioner and alot of the players would have to be replaced.
It’s the fans fault. You’re always labeled a hater if you say today’s game is trash. But it is. I was born and 85. To me that’s the perfect year to objectively look at different eras. And trust me. Since Iverson became one of the faces of the league as a ball dominant PG, this shit ain’t been the same lol
Did you see Lebron caught on camera taking drugs last night 😂😂? Kwame brown posted it and caught him red handed !!
2 raw 4 tv video catches lebron taking mysterious pills 💊 on the bench
The inmates are running the institution.
Steven A is so hysterical, he literally sounds like a crazy woman freaking out every time he opens his mouth. How people can listen to him scream is beyond me.
As soon as you hear that Angry Old Hoops G-Funk beat start at the beginning of the video…you know hes about to cook
@7:25 😂😂😂
I think those weak mentalities we currently have as models will eventually be destroyed by players in the future (aside from Jokic who already does despite his team not having as much talent as anyone else's)
Giannis was able to do it but you Americans won't follow him because you want an American to do it imo.
Stu Jackson was supposed to get the job .. they give it to Adam sliver because he's a jew and that's facts
It is definitely Adam Silver's fault. The players are not absolved from guilt, but Adam Silver's "discipline" has been laughable. Just look at the way David Stern handled serious matters concerning the league's image. David Stern dealt with "The Malice at the Palace" and Gilbert Arenas, while Adam Silver gave Ja Morant a couple of slaps on the wrist and basically has done nothing to Draymond Green
2:51 that's Rob Parker's partner now? The voice doesn't match the face
It is in part the players fault, if there is no monetary incentive they just could not be bothered to play hard. Pride, team/colors, city, fans do not matter to most, it is all about their individual brand and what benefits them or their "legacy"… I hate the current NBA. Adam Silver should put his balls on the table and flat out say this is how it is going to be, load management, flopping, foul bating, bad reffing etc. is going to be fined. The more they do it the more they have to pay, simple as that.
They should probably make the All-star game USA vs International and play it without a 3 point line. Also, traveling and double dribbling needs to be strictly enforced.. I think the USA would get blown out and humiliated. This would be good for them and maybe they would try harder the next season.
AOH PLEASSSSEEE make a video showing how LeBrenda was literally wired & juiced up last night Vs the Kings! You can literally tell that LeBalco is back,.compare his movements from last night game to the way he moved before his "toenail injury"..lol PLEASE
Folks, let's not forget the third party to blame in all of this: the NBAPA. They aren't helping the current situation.
As much as I despised David Stern, you kinda realize he had to be tough on the players. Dress codes, huge fines, unwavering accordance to the rules. He enriched players ten times over from the previous generation and while I think he created this issue with big market preferences in the media, the players at least played. Silver needs to toughen up and play the role of Nosferatu (which he looks a lot like on a topical subject) and start fining people. Third party doctors to see if the load management is real, double or triple the fines and fine refs for not calling the game well. Once you take money away from people, and I mean significant money, people will shape up. It might be good to instill the sideline dress code again. I hate to say all this conservative stuff but I used to religiously watch basketball and now I can’t really drag myself to see it. All this happened when they sold out to the Chinese, which means maybe we should charge them more money and less for Americans….you know, the home nation.
Just a crazy rant by a crazy person I guess.
Ham's advice wasn't a shot at Lakers and Lebron. Listen, I know this is hard for some of y'all to believe, but not everything that happens in the NBA revolves around Lebron and the Lakers. I know it may be shocking. Sit down if you need to. This was a coach learning from past experience from an event that never happened in the history of the league and applying that experience. Pretty much in the job description for any coach in any capacity.
I think you're forgetting what men in there 20's are actually like. I was a child till I was like 34 💁♂️, didn't even realise I was until I actually passed that mark.
Brought my own place at 25 and thought I was a big boy. Didn't change the way I behaved though.
What do we have here???
Put the all stars up against a bunch of G League all stars, and you'll see effort.
just another example how pandering does nothing to help anyone.
hard work, dedication, consistency, poise, are things you can builda league around. not pandering. @nba
Giannis was mature enough to listen to coaching, naturally the team follows. Bron is still a child
LeBron's mom definitely nurtured a narcissist. Was that the question?
The league has dropped off in viewership by 47% even from last year…
And some of these Youtubers get close to diagnosing the problem, they get really close; but at the end of the day, they always glazing LeBum James and pretending like he’s not the reason why the NBA viewership has tanked.
He literally ruined the NBA.
Cry for help from Germany🙌The Kids who call themselves Lakers Fans are going crazy over last night😫please make them stop😫now JJ is a Great Coach again and Le……….sorry, cant say the words
The NBA "In-Season Tournament" is the equivalent of College "Christmas Tournaments."
Once Durant, James, Steph and these old stars leave, and Shai, Giannis, Mitchell, Luka and Jokic start finally becoming the faces of the league is when this will end
Everyone is talking about how bad he product is. I'm a NBA lifelong fan but it's horrible right now.
NBA cup is worthless. I hate the piece of crap until it has any value at all. I'm all for improving the regular season, but that isn't the solution. It's a pig with lipstick
can't wait for the bucks to play the fakers in the regular season
Lebron popping pills on the sideline… the league is outta control
Can’t tell who fell off harder from their peak.
Both self sabotaged their own organizations.
Lebron has a mental illness level of narcissism, he probably really believes gis bs
Why are they waiting till now to make an uproar? Their wake-up call was 2019 when everyone was making headlines about how low viewership was (and still is) getting.
Just because bus rider KD complain then everyone wants to act like they weren't kissing the NBAs cheeks for the last 15 years? Yeah okay
Remember when the whole league was on coke and no one watched? Same thing. Fans dont respectsm the players
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