Movies To Video Games Reviews
Review #11
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace for the Playstation and Personal Computer (PC) is fully reviewed and analyzed as compared to the actual movie itself.
Feel free to comment. More movies to video games reviews coming soon.. suggestions and feedback welcome and encouraged.
The second song in the comparison there is a little hard to read due to how long a title it is.. the song for those interested is called “The Droid Invasion and the Apperance of Darth Maul”.
In the means of saving space the score tallies used to get to the final score are listed here instead of in the review itself. They are on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the best score possible:
Story Accuracy to the Movie 6.5
(All the moments, characters and locations are straight from the movie and in order too. But a lot of not related and stretched moments are added in that really take away from things. Not to mention how some fun moments were missing all together from the game..)
Music Soundtrack Accuracy to the Movie’s 7.0
(The entire score in this game is right from the movie and in actual sound too. But some of the songs heard during certain moments are missing for a strange reason. When you are fighting Darth Maul you get a different song rather than Duel of Fates.)
Game Difficulty 3.5
(Double Jumps, searching for people, hard battles on limited energy.. The game has its hard moments and can make the game frustrating. A lot of the moments are straight forward though and consist of battling. But don’t expect an easy walk through the park with this game.)
Overall Fun 4.0
(It has its moments. A fan of the movie and any Star Wars fan will like being a Jedi and exploring Star Wars environments but they will be disappointed at many points from the boring and annoying aspects of the game. And the inaccuracy does hurt things greatly. Most won’t play this game again once beating it. But some will enjoy it greatly.)
Final Score: 5.00
It is one of my older reviews and was limited on the time allowed on youtube back then so its cut from what I would liked to add to it, but it is what it is and "Star Wars Episode I the Phantom Menace" movie based games have been completed fully as of this review. More Star Wars games will be showing up here in the future, just no more based on this film.
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