Twitter/Instagram: @SimonMiller316
8 piles of fitness nonsense we’re all desperate to believe, because if it were true, getting in shape would be easy. Sadly it’s not…
But whether it be blaming all our non-gains on supplements, the magical post-workout protein shake, being scared of cardio or the goal to try and sweat, there’s a lot of stupid stuff out there in gym land which is easy to believe. Why wouldn’t you?
Let’s put it to bed, though, so hopefully we never have to fall for it again!
#Gym #Bodybuilding #SimonMiller
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About Simon Miller:
Simon Miller brings you a YouTube channel where you will learn about THE TRUTH when it comes to fitness, the gym and working out. Along the way you may also get some wrestling, vlogs, mental health, video games, reactions, music and movie chat. You just never know… Designed to give you a look into the brain of Simon Miller – who is also a feature over on WhatCulture Wrestling where he hosts Ups and Downs as well as the Why series – give the channel a subscribe if you just want a daily dose of fitness, nonsense and entertainment.
The human body is meant to move itself first, external objects second. Forget lifting heavy, start moving heavy. Avoid the gym and move everyday objects. It's free and natural. It leads to real world functional strength. Other wise you gym bros are all show and no go.
Like just f**k off 😂🤦♂️
But imagine that you're running a marathon and when you reach the end you discover that there is no finish and it lasts the rest of your life.
Being able to keep up the discipline and dedication it takes week after week, month after month, and year after year is a daunting task.
I sweat easily my preferred temperature is below 20C... when I was fitter a PT in my gym asked me to come along when it was closed to get photos done for his website.. he wanted shots of someone swearing hard... 10 minutes pushing hard on a spin bike and I was dripping.
As you say some people sweat easily some struggle and some don't and they have a real issue.
Step 2 you are now ripped
But regardless of whether I think a phrase is overused and generic or not, This video overall was pretty helpful. Thank you Simon.
You’re on ped’s
I know the anabolic window isn't a thing, but it helps me not forget to eat and I like eating.
and then going home to play with his/her "mates" or Fortnite or whatever, is likely just shortening their life and blowing money for nothing.
Another great Video Simon ^_^ Love the channel
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