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Hi i’m Joe, I have created this YouTube channel to show my progression from a skinny teenager who is sick of being skinny to hopefully in the future being more muscular and just better in general both physically and mentally.
If you do enjoy my content it would mean lot if you could hit the like button and maybe even consider subscribing. Thank you!
Lift weights and don't use steroids gets no respect.
Lift weights use steroids and lie/deny their use gets more respect.
Lift weights use steroids and don't lie/deny their use gets most respect.
What a SHAME!
The ONLY group that should get respect is the group that DOESN'T use steroids!
Stay natural buddy!
Stay natural buddy!
1. sleep 7-8 hrs sleep a night
2. train heavy
3. train legs twice a week
4. do HIIT
5. rest day
6. intermittent fasting
7. reduce BPAs plastic use
8. eat organic foods
9. tongkat ali supplement
10. semen retention
11. masturbate only once per week from memory
12. have sex with same person regularly
Any enhancing Steroids is a form of drugs….We as a community shouldn’t be glorifying these kinds of PERFECTIONS just because someone is being honest.
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