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I'm pretty sure Will Tennyson recently announced he's not natural
So let me get this straight…
Lift weights and don't use steroids gets no respect.
Lift weights use steroids and lie/deny their use gets more respect.
Lift weights use steroids and don't lie/deny their use gets most respect.
What a SHAME!
The ONLY group that should get respect is the group that DOESN'T use steroids!
Stay natural buddy!
Tren twins are natty
lol just because you guys are cycling roids doesn't mean you can claim natty while of cycle lmao all these guys tested the juice even joe Fazer
Lying about being natural is basically asking for people to not respect you
Very nice
imagine makeing this video and beeing on some juice not steroids but on something in the middle
You both are idiots
Mike Thurston is the biggest fraud of them all. Admitting to going to Ibizi and drinking a bunch of alcohol on the regular while getting leaner and bigger as he ages? Yeah fuck off mate.
alex eubank is natty
William Li or Tristian Lee or Brnadom William?
Use STEROIDS and do it behind everyone's back, then come out and say you "worked harder" than everyone else, that's why you are "bigger" and "stronger"! Then endorse supplements with your STEROID body claiming it's from the supplements you sell!
Stay natural buddy!
hey its best to be honest and help others, and not lie about using steriods, like mike o'tren biggest lier and cheater. need more like rich piana
And now look what you have become . . .
I think "liposuction/coolsculpting/Ozempic or not" is the female version of "natty or not." Like, did you achieve your nice figure through diet, activity and good habits, or are you taking after Kim Kardashian?
none of them are natural, if your body is your source of income you are in fact enhanced to stay competitive in that environment… and matt does fitness can stop with the bullshit
"Let's burn bridges" Famous last words
Good way check is. Shoulders veins. Or how big dalts are
Alex eubank claims he is natty😂
David Laid just but on fat also, he was the fattest there in his life, when hitting his biggest prs at 19 20, there is a chance he was natural.
12 ways to increase testosterone naturally:
1. sleep 7-8 hrs sleep a night
2. train heavy
3. train legs twice a week
4. do HIIT
5. rest day
6. intermittent fasting
7. reduce BPAs plastic use
8. eat organic foods
9. tongkat ali supplement
10. semen retention
11. masturbate only once per week from memory
12. have sex with same person regularly
tip for yall on the bulk and cut on the bulk take colder showers it makes you feel more hungry and on the cut take hot showers to feel full
Next do IamPeachyFit, guy is a complete fraud. He claims natty all the time and in his recent videos. He got his physique in 19 months he says. Which is complete BS
where's storied I mean Liver king?
Nice video! But the voice to music audio in the begging was a little off
Natty or Not ? https://youtube.com/shorts/O3TUnoCeaoI?si=OEsEv0zdLHGlwaYo
This didnt age well
i smell cap😂✋
Alex Eurbank is definitely natty no debate💯his genetics is crazy💪
he has "iNsAnE gEnEtIcS" aka hes on steroids lmfao, 95% of them are on steroids
The people who were on the thumbnail were all fake natty
Então foi daqui que o rodrigo goes copiou
Lex Luther ain’t natty lmfao.
Alex is 100% fake.
David Laid is natty
Alex Eubank is Natty bro
I guessed Zack wasn’t natty by just looking at your first pick of him I don’t even know him 😂
This video has as much credibility as a vegan at a steakhouse with no salad on the menu.
I take party drugs and would never take steroids. It's not a red flag since common party drugs in moderation aren't harmful to the body, at least not even close to the evidence behind how damaging steroids are.
just because theyre gains plateau doesn't mean they're natty. I think alot of people hit their genetic limit with PEDs and then maintain.
these guys both natty for sure
Honesty doesn’t equate to being correct. We have an issue in our generation now where PED has even entered our youth. These stuff adds high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, etc. there are many side affects.
Any enhancing Steroids is a form of drugs….We as a community shouldn’t be glorifying these kinds of PERFECTIONS just because someone is being honest.
90% of them are not natty, girls also take a lot of stuff and because they are under some kind of contract they are not allowed to say they are on some kind of stack
I think Eubank is natural. He's not super strong, nor is he super big. He only has 14 inch arms. Plus his body really hasn't changed that much the last few years. He's basically a more veiny Jesse James West. And Jesse is much stronger than Eubank.
Its all just hard work and dedication. 😂
Disrespectful to call Mike O hearn not natty he is clearly natty
Alex is probably natural, there are many reasons why his test is so low maybe one of em is cuz he’s 8% body fat year round
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