The Xbox Series X and S are in a weird place right now. Let’s talk about Microsoft hardware and software strategy.
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Nintendo makes games I couldn’t give a flying F about. If you are an adult male sure maybe you’re trying to relive your childhood with a switch. If not apmaybe you’re a PD F. Yeah I liked donkey Kong game but I’m not wasting 400.00 to play one game and be like I remember when I was in high school playing this game. And as for PlayStation being a hardware company. Sony TV’s suck D. Apple cleaned Sonys clock when it came to personal electronics. They PlayStation 5 and the Pro are pieces of S. 800.00 for a console with a mild to Luke warm performance over the Series X. The X is a better console. Just casual gamers buy PS console because they haven’t a clue about Xbox consoles. And right now Microsoft and Steam have all the games. PlayStation has no first party games. And studios aren’t running to put their games on PS because they aren’t selling. Look at square. The pulled their games from being exclusive to PlayStation. Why. Because they didn’t sell and Square was losing their shirt. What you are saying are narratives from gaming in the past. The landscape has changed.
This generation has been absolute dogshit. No fucking games, everything that is out is bleeding every penny out of you, and that’s IF you have enough money to buy these overpriced pieces of shit.
Not an
Xbox plan after PS4 allways was 1 hardware for everything, proposed a joint venture ( rumours) for a common ps5 powered by gamepass – Sony allegedly refused
It seems like Microsoft is resting in their laurels. That drive, hunger and overall cutthroat attitude left when Bill Gates left.
Guess im on the hunt for 360s again
Of course BO6 sold more to PlayStation. Xbox players don’t have to buy the game with it being available on the game pass
yall saying xbox made bop 6 drives me crazy. let me guess they made doom the dark ages? gtfo
Blablabla xbox i was thinking they close the Company full Digital i dont care buying CD is expensive a 100 Bugs for a gane no i dont want that
I miss not having to have unlimited internet because of 150GB updates 🤦🏼♂️ 🤦🏼♂️ 🤦🏼♂️
I'm an Xbox fan. I'm not concerned about the way they are going. I feel like they are the good guys in the gaming industry. And yes you will need to crack some eggs to make an omelette, it going to be fine 🙌😁
It is time to come back to super powered custom architectures.
I think the problem is not being able to talk trash anymore, or even communicate in game. No one is ever in game chat, and the enemy never gets to hear you. May as well play against all NPCs. I made all my online friends back when people actually talked.
you remember Zune, JC
I have a refurbished/modded PS4, a Switch plus a SteamDeck and I’m quite CONTENT but I’m excited for the Switch 2! But I also play my PS Vita, PSP and Nintendo DS Lite with GBA port to play those games! 😉
I own an original Xbox and Xbox360 ( But of course it’s not hooked up to anything! 🙄)
A PS5 Pro costs TOO much right now plus one of the main reasons I want a PS5 (Pro) is for PSVR 2 which I believe is the FUTURE of gaming! ( VR devices not just PSVR 2!)
2:34 what kind of controller is that?
Not everyone wants to build a PC, nor do they just want a traditional gaming setup. Many people simply want a console that sits in the corner, resumes their games instantly, and offers a hassle-free experience. That’s why there will always be an Xbox there’s a market beyond just PC gamers.
A new Xbox is already in development, partly to ensure there’s no launch shortage. Microsoft’s strategy is to make Xbox accessible everywhere in your living room, pocket, and backpack. Expanding digital sales increases profits, which helps offset the cost of console hardware. Most Xbox/ PC owners subscribe to Game Pass, creating a massive revenue stream.
Microsoft doesn’t need to compete with PlayStation in the hardware market they already dominate the Windows ecosystem.
l love my xbox man
Give us fsr4
Such a great well made video. Thanks!
We really should ALL boycott these companies. They're getting to the point where all gameplay is solely online, and you can only buy digital copies. Not there yet, but getting there. Then, if you can only buy digital, they can shut down those servers at any moment, leaving you with no game. You'll NEVER actually own the game. Just renting it. That shit has to stop!!
I was going to by a Xbox Series X this week but I'm very unsure of the whole Xbox issue so it looks like I'm going to be getting a PlayStation 5. It just seems like the safer move at the moment.
I hope they don’t abandon their console division. I been rocking with xbox for so long I don’t want to buy anything else. I’ve owned a PS4 when it first came out and I just wasn’t feeling it. Always played my 360 and I personally love my xbox series x. If Microsoft keeps making Xbox consoles, I’ll always be there to buy it no lie.
How many people are still playing on the the last generation of consoles?
I had a PS5 and Xbox Series S and neither console was worth buying. None of the games that came out are worth bragging about one console over the other. Both games has sucked in my opinion on current generation. I would like a new Splinter Cell, and a new Division god something other than junkie remakes. I have a PC as well and I'm tired of gaming on it.
Next console could come with reduced GamePass prices
Just bought 2 Series x slight used (not much) for the Price of 1 brand new. Epic machine ! Connect it with OLED 120hz VVR HDR is insane nice !
Make xbox dual os windows and xbox every one will buy it
Somebody at PlayStation is working to destroy Xbox
This is just my personal opinion and I could be completely wrong but when Microsoft decided to give the game pass and put all their games on the PC, especially now being you know four or five years after the release of the newest consoles, you can build a computer that will do the exact same thing game wise if not a little better than an Xbox for just a little more money and then what do you have a computer that will also do computer things second point I would like to note out both Sony and Microsoft have claimed they make zero money off of the console sale itself so at least for Microsoft now with the game pass on PC why do they have any incentive to keep making a console Especially if they are seeing increase sales on PC now I don’t know if that is the case or not just saying if that is happening all this makes a little more sense because let’s face it. If you are still making a console you are still paying people to design it And figure out features and specs to then turn around and sell a console that you don’t make any money off of that doesn’t make sense from a business perspective.
My problem with Microsoft is live .
If you look how many times i had to change my password becose problems on Microsoft side and can't re use old passwords when im 100 shore it's the right one .
Redringofdeath 360 lack of support, i only bought playstation.
always on , on the XB'one was anti consumer and unacceptable.
Most my friend and family step over on playstation and i didn't look back.
Now everything is so expensive hier were i live not much money left to invest in multiple gaming consoles.
And i have 4 daughters how are between 9 and 15 how want to play on Nintendo switch and love Nintendo games And all the friends play on their switches.
don't want to play ps5 or Xbox games.
Even my ps4 is only use to play sackeboy and little big planet.
This is the next generation of gamers in my bloodline .
For me im not buying a 1.500 euro videocard.
or a 600 euro ps5/xbox and 70 euro game and subscription to play online
To play one's a week 😅.
I have so many great memories with the original xbox. I bought a series X to enjoy the old games. Its a great system for those who value the nostalgia!
Honestly idc I own both and never buy a pro. The Series X is a better machine. I’ll own a PC too and play on all 3. It is what it is. I’ll only have a PS bc of exclusives. I think the PS runs great but it’s nothing compared to 120 hrtz and DD when it comes to movies and streaming movies. Idc about physical copies sorry not sorry for those who complain about the you don’t own it bs. Well idc bc I don’t play games that require you to have online connections mostly anyways. My games will run forever even if they cut ties. I don’t need to server to be up and the digital market isn’t getting shut down. Why? Bc that would be stupid af. This will work itself out like everything in life does. I love games but I’m not a huge love every game type person and gaming isn’t going anywhere. People play so many games I couldn’t care less about. This channel and the comments talk about a lot of games idc about. Yeah there’s people buying only PCs now but still a lot of people will buy an Xbox bc they prefer playing certain games on console. Honestly how often these consoles come out it’s not a big deal. Unless you put up with Sonys money grab of a pro scheme they pull. I only buy when the actual next gen comes out. There’s much I could say here and frankly I wish they would have more exclusives but how so many games are straight up trash now, especially on release, I don’t even have faith in many dev teams anymore like I used too. So why does a console matter when 80% of games I either don’t care about, they’re politic pushers, or released like crap. Hell I haven’t bought a Ubisoft or EA games in so long 🤣 not to mention the other asshat companies I don’t buy from. That cuts out so many games for me
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