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Apple Music’s hi-res streaming is a bit of a mess:
MacOS Audio Midi Setup app:
Podcast: Apple Music’s hi-res lossless & Spatial Audio:
AudioQuest DragonFly Black:
#applemusic #hiresaudio #ipad
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Bit to Bit perfect Audio! only on Apple devices fellows, through your Android crap out of the window
How can I achieve this with headphones, such as AirPod maxes?
What about using an hdmi from my lighting adapter out to my receiver?
But you’re not good with AirPlay 2 are you @darkoaudio because from any iOS device which is how many people stream to hifi – it down samples to a measly 256kps AAC.
The RME ADI-2 DAC shown here is USD $1300. Any suggestions on < $300 DAC that's reasonably good?
Simple question, what cable type goes into your DAC? My DAC has both RCA and optical but no USB. I can’t find USB to RCA (digital only, no Audio) with only one RCA connector. I can however find USB to SPDF optical but it’s going through unnecessary translation into optical then back to electrical impulses. Thanks
Have you tested its built-in phono preamp?
Can i do this on a newer mini iPad with a usb-to-hdmi cable hooked up to a 192khz capable soundbar?
Its a bit of a maze to get streaming sorted to a hifi If you ask me I was all set to buy the wimm ultra pro but then I hear you can't run apple music on it. So I'm thinking why not sit my i pad pro on the bench connect that to my Arcam black box dac to my amp? why do I need an ever solo to get the apple compatibility?
Nice video, quick question from what I'm seeing dragonfly cannot go beyond 96khz even cobalt, so to get up to 192khz can I connect iPad (lightning) to a Yamaha receiver directly that has a DAC built in up to 192khz? What in out cable needs to be used USB to optical input on receiver to get this sample rate ? Thanks
Confused guys my yamaha 2030 has hi res audio what does it do and do we use it
What if I connect iPad or Mac directly to my amp with Aux RCA cable? Let's say I'm playing 24-bit/192 khz song and I have no DAC.
Wich model of ipad best (budget) for dsd lossless hires ? Connecting to alpine media car receiver via usb
Too much monkey buiness for the average bear. Get a good pair of headphones and a DAC and forget all of this dongle mess.
This video is asesome!!!!… thank you for showing us something that many YTrs don't even take into consideration!…
Please make a video for hi res for Android
Very useful video, John. I just wonder if there's any setting that needs to be done on the iPhone (which I plan to use as the streaming device) in order for the music to be fed to the external DAC as opposed to iPhone's tiny speakers?
This is how I’m using Apple Music. I was using a Mac but didn’t like the midi settings as it wasn’t bit perfect. Not a big deal I know but wish it was easier.
Deezer kills all of them with their FLAC hifi quality, just compare then thank me later 🔥
Thx for the tip!
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