In this video I talk some mess about the fitness industry. Lemme know your thoughts.
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If we take on too much at once, often times we end up sabotaging ourselves. We can get easily overwhelmed with how much information is out there, and how many options there are, that what started out as motivation can quickly become unmotivating. We get it, we’ve been there! So what can we do? First step is to take a deep breath and know that at the end of the day, it’s not that complicated. Move your body daily, stretch, eat real food, make sure you’re getting quality rest and be careful how much screentime you’re getting. Remember, it’s not a punishment, it’s for feeling like our best selves.
What routine have you found works best for you? What is something you do each day that you look forward to (exercise, food, hobby)? Let us know in the comments 🤙
Good to see a video saying how it is.
I worked this out a long time ago, you don't need to have all the bullshit and follow what the crowd is doing.
The 2 things I’ve stuck to is
1. If you don't use it you lose it
2. You are what you eat.
I’ve kept it simple and stick to this.
Always doing different workouts and never doing the same thing and trying to eat the best I can whilst trying to enjoy the naughty snacks here and there.
Its all about balance.
The Greasing the Groove Method is in my opinion the best way for a beginner to build a good strength foundation. However, eventually, every strength training method will result in muscular accommodation, which is when your body stops progressing in muscular endurance, size, and strength. When you reach a muscular endurance, size, or strength plateau, you should change the exercises you do, the load, and strength training method. There are many strength training methods. This includes Zatsiorsky's Maximal Effort Method (lifting as much weight as you can), Repeated Effort Method (lifting nonmaximal weight to failure), Submaximal Effort Method (lifting nonmaximal weight for intermediate repetitions), and Dynamic Effort Method (lifting nonmaximal weight as fast as you can). However, there are many more, which includes Charles Atlas "Dynamic Tension" Method, which combines callisthenics, stretching, and isometric exercises. It also includes Eugen Sandow's twin theories of grip compression and using the brain to create a mind-muscle connection to create muscular overload by flexing your muscles harder and harder each time without using any exercise equipment.
I'm 67 years and 9-months old, and I'm actually stronger as a senior citizen than when I was an active-duty U.S. Marine 0331 M-60 Machine Gunner. The reasons why is because I switched to a plant-based diet as recommended by the Netflix health documentary, "The Game Changers", and I used Zatsiorsky's Repeated Effort Strength Training Method by doing partial reps to failure, which is the best way to do more reps, burn more calories, and increase more muscular endurance and hypertrophy, mitochondria, and capillary density.
Yup, tired of influencers telling that if you can't do a pistol squat you're probably going to end up in a wheel chair tomorrow. Decent strength, flexibility and cardio is all you need, no need for nonsense non-functional movements created in the last 10 years.
you'll be a great Father! from one who was not.
It’s unbelievable how hard it is to find a video on YouTube that simply tells you you don’t need expensive equipment or strict routines, and to just move, for at least 15 minutes a day.
I convinced myself that if I can’t do HIIT every day, then what even is the point? So then I’d end up doing nothing at all, due to the pressure of seeing others do so much, always so many trends, so many nutritional ‘experts’ that it can become maddening.
You have no idea what a treasure your channel is – thank you, and belated congratulations on becoming a father ❤
wait there is 2 of you??
Este video hizo que me suscriba
Literalmente es la manera que tengo de ver la actividad fisica hace años
Me encanto el mensaje! gracias por trasmitirlo
This video made me subscribe.
It's literally the way I've had to understand physical activity for years.
I loved the message! Thank you for conveying it.
Greetings from Argentina.
Cold plunge? That's swimming in Canada.
Love u Guyz… Keep It up…and conggratssss!!!!!
Congrats on becoming a dad!
Congratulations on your journey man!! You make great content so you deserve the success!!
Love your videos man! To the point and helped me in finding a stretching routine that worked for me, same with walking around like an animal 😀
Keep on going !
Congratulations on everything brother!
After watching these videos for the last 4-5 years, I’m not in the best shape and I go from time to time without exercising. When I do, it’s a rejuvenation for me. Consistency is hard sometimes, but I’m so glad you made this video. It’s a real take on real life, thanks Strength Side. You guys are awesome.
Thank you sooooo much for this video, it stopped my anxiety of not buying a yoga studio membership.
So true! Thank you for being so true and honest 😊
Great insight! I am no stranger to fitness. I've been taking care of my body for 50 yrs. This video really gives me the validation I need to keep doing what it is right, comfortable and beneficial for me. Thank you.
Some of the most simple stuff is so good for you! Love this stuff 😀 !
Thank you guys for the honesty. I'm sick of seeing Vince's celebrity bs ads lol 😂
Edit* as soon as this wonderful video ended… there Vince! and Dr drew….. poopoo
Congrats !!! You re the man ! Keep going like that, you said the word,« the roots ».
Much love from 🇫🇷
The consistant message I keep getting is how important consistantcy is.
The same goes for parenting
2 things. Sleep when the baby sleeps, and check baby's bottom to make sure Everything is completely cleaned out else the ammonia stings them and it's very frustrating when baby cries after they've been washed, changed and fed and seem to for no apparent reason continue to cry. This because something has got left behind in baby's bottom. I know talking about poo is weird but trust me, when you're exhausted you'll thank me for it. Your videos are inspiring brother. Enjoy being a dad. 👍🙏
Very inspiring! I think I will binge fitness content now and just try every exercise until I find one that isnt agony to do
Congrats man! Love watching and hearing from you.
Absolutely great post! Simply the truth
All the best for your new job as a father and have fun and success with the new Studio. 🥰💜🙏
So TRUE! My father-in-law has been doing the same calisthenics routine that he clipped from a magazine almost every day for 30 years–hes now 65 and in far better shape than 90% of his peers. I found your videos on my fitness journey after having children and losing sight of my strength and flexibility. Always appreciate your simple, low key approach and have gotten a ton out of your videos. Cheers on becoming a father, it's truly life changing.
Thank you, for keeping it real and being your authentic self. You speak so honestly and thoughtfully. The health tips are great also. Congratulations on your life changing news on becoming a father,post an update when it's time.
Thanks for telling it straight…no b.s. or having to interpret anything you said. God bless you and your family!
Right on point, thanks !!!!
Congrats on getting a hair cut, opening your gym and becoming a father! A lot happening at once 😊
Congrats on the baby man, hope all goes well! Love the channel.
Cold plunge??? I just shower cold because I save on my electric bill when I don't switch on the boiler
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