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The Source Engine holds a special place in gaming history, but as time goes on, many of its games have been left behind. In this video, I revisit a few of these forgotten titles, exploring what made them unique, why they faded away, and the legacy they leave behind
Edited With & yo
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Fistful of Frags:
Hunt Down the Freeman:
Blade Symphony:
Postal 3:
Intro: 00:00
Fistful of Frags: 00:35
Hunt Down the Freeman: 02:57
Blade Symphony: 06:54
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II: 10:29
Postal III: 13:13
#sourceengine #source #halflife2 #thehidden #tacticalintervention #theship #tf2 #doubleaction #sourcefilmmaker
Extinct Source Games
Forgotten Source Engine Games
Dead Source Engine Games
More Dead Source Engine Games
#deepdive #iceberg #videoessay #contagion #left4dead #left4dead2 #valve
chut was here
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not png tubers!
One of my personal favorite Source game has to be Age Of Chivarly. I have fond memories of that game.
BlackMesa recently
Lol im still playing CS source and Garry's Mod and Half-life2
dystopia usually has players on saturdays if you wanna try that
Blade Symphony was brutally murdered by its own dev.
Pls make video about Neotokyo
I play FOF still its a good game
'you fucked up my face' is so bad its actually good
Source engine was revolutionary in the day, but it was an an engine that was designed to give a nice smooth running gameplay and gun play. That's always been it's focus, even with Source 2, which while it it too broke new ground, it is also in a world full of eye candy engines trying to better themselves.
pirates vikings and knights 2 is fucking awesome
Anyone remember Dystopia?
DIPRIP was such a cult source game not too many people heard about it
source engine always felt like shit to me ngl
PVK was so good. By the time they launched PVK2 it was basically already dead even though it was much better 🙁
what a cute cat bro
16:21 WHAT DID HE DO?!
gaems life aagag oval
Gamer sups is your sponsor
PVK2 is such OG game, i played it realy a lot back in the days (2007-2012)
btw postal III has an awesome soundtrack and a cool main menu (the best I've seen)
1:40 i like ratlobber
You should include Neotokyo in the next vid!! An original HL2 multiplayer tact shooter, anazing vibes and OST!!!
pirates viking and knights man that was a fire mod
I know it wasnt covered here (although its worth covering) but to this day Zombie panic source (Aside from gmod copys) is still the only multiplayer zombie survival game that lets you move household objects around to barricade a house the way you would in an actual zombie apocalypse. Such a cool concept that i have yet to see in any other game.
I remember playing Pirates, Vikings, and Knights 1, the HL1 mod. I miss the HL1 and HL2 mod scenes a lot.
Blade Symphony is one of those games that feels weird and buttonmashy when you first get into it, but as you get used to it duels are actually really skill-based and intense.
Though I spent most of my time doing parkour in that game, the movement mechanics were surprisingly tight too once you got a hang of them
pirates vikings and knights II was pretty fun back then
i know its a goldsrc game, but i absolutely love deathmatch classic (which is actually an official valve game). too bad no one ever plays it
If you ever make a Part 3.
Could you cover Goldeneye: Source? It's a very good recreation of the Goldeneye multiplayer from the N64 but on the source engine. Nobody talks about it more, but I love the hell out of this game.
what a cute car
postal three looks like if gears of war 2 and postal had a demented son
how u gona do dead source videos But not brush over neotokyo or dystopia or contagion
I just want to say that the fact that you had no sponsor for this video was probably the most refreshing thing I have seen on youtube, instant sub.
Honestly source games are some of the best I have played
Where is "The Ship"? That game was awesome, its sad that Valve absolutely forgot about it
love me some FOF, made a small clan with some randoms on that game for hitting trackshots with the rifles, we were called "FIST FULL OF PENIS: WHISKEY DICKS" good fuckin times :')
Immediately shed a tear at the mention of FoF. I never played the game at its peak but i love movement
your cat mascot character is adorable
talk about open forteress in ur next video
I wish I knew about fistfull of frags before last year
One of the cool games on this engine is G-string, I spent dozens of hours in the Beta and release versions of the game. Another example of how the Mod has grown into an independent project
Incase if you’re making a part 3 goldec here some more dead source engine games
1st:Bloody Good Time
2nd:Dino D Day
3rd:D.I.P.R.I.P Warm Up
4th:Alien Swarm
5th:Nuclear Dawn
Hope you find this list a bit helpful
i thought "fistful of frags CANT be 17 years old! i remember helping my brother buy it when it first came out and I'm onl-" oh dead Lord
how did you convince the dawg company to let you keep the old videos and not delete them?
if you make a 3rd dead source games video please take a look at NEOTOKYO, its one of my favorites
Still play fistful of frags to this day
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