A Gears Of War Collection seems more real than ever, but if it arrives, it will be without the hallmark PvP. Is this a drawback or not for Gears when it’s likely to be introduced to an entirely new audience? We discuss!
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#Xbox #GearsOfWar #Gaming
Gears without pvp or horde? Get that lame ass shit outa my face u gotta be dumb as hell to even think that's acceptable.
I’m sure Multiplayer mode will be in the future updates
Gears PvP was a staple of the era that I genuinely never took part in. I was a Co-Op king though. I was always running around in Horde.
Gears of war Helldivers type game. Playing as COG dropped in the shit would be amazing
Gears story is good but that game survives off the people who play its multiplayer mode. That’s wild if they put it in
Not having multiplayer is really dissapointing for me. Gears of War 3 was and is in my top 3 for multiplayer games. I played it so much back when I was in high school. Sucks that I wont get to experience GOW 3 multiplayer again 🙁
MCC is not in a good place 7:14
I want Gears 1 to 3 remade in the unreal engine 5 with smoother gameplay (including tournament controls) with all modes intact, and with no micro transaction store. Make it happen Xbox, don’t half bake this.
All I want is to be able to play the first three on the steam deck
I picture co op but no multiplayer. I didn't really play it that much
Same, I have always been a halo player, the halo multiplayer is timeless, and has a charm that no other shooter has!
No one's really brought it up but if this collection doesn't have PvP multiplayer then doesn't that mean when the 360 multiplayer servers shut down, Gears 2 and 3's PvP will be lost (at least officially). That seems like a massive blow to the preservation of these games in an official manner and I'd honestly probably not buy this collection if that's the case.
I just want to experience Gears 2 wingman and guardian again…
i think E Day will prob have a amazing MP if the collections doesnt have no mp it fine i guess
halo mcc sucked so gears fans have to suffer and get no multiplayer, thanks xbox
No PvP no buy what a damn shame
Every time they fumble. Who tf would release a gears without pvp. Fire these woke clowns
As much as I'm a multi-platform gamer or as fanboys/fangirls refer as a "multi-platform simp" or "console neutral", I don't see an incentive to buy Halo MCC or the rumored Gears Of War Collection on PlayStation or Nintendo (If those games come out on those platforms.) when I have Game Pass. (Last, I checked PlayStation and Nintendo blocked Game Pass from their hardware.) I don't see Nintendo's diehard fanbase and Japanese gamers buying Halo MCC or Gears Of War especially if Nintendo releases a major game on the same month, same week or even same day as the new 3D Mario, Mario Kart 9 or the next Legend Of Zelda game. Hell, HD versions of Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy 1, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Luigi's Mansion 1, Donkey Kong 64, Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time, Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask, Legend Of Zelda The Wind Waker and Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess would outsell the Nintendo Switch 2 ports Halo MCC and the Gears Of War Collection.
Truly not bragging when I mention this but I was top 1000 in gears 1,3 and UE. It was all I played. My cousin and I would WAKE UP BEFORE SCHOOL at 6 am to get some games in. I would be absolutely livid if the collection doesn’t come with multiplayer. Would be a massive failure if that’s the case. I’m refusing to believe it until concrete evidence is presented
I got my Xbox one for sunset overdrive
I think the reason why they aren’t doing multiplayer is cause they don’t want to make them for all the games in the collection like they did for mcc which I agree but I do think they should pick which multiplayer they should do either 2 or 3 even tho gears of war ultimate edition had a multiplayer
Gears of war is the best game of Xbox but they need to bring multiplayer to PlayStation
even without the pvp or horde, a UE5 remake of the Gears 1-3 campaigns in one package is too good to be true. And theyre probably saving the pvp for E-Day so they dont split the playerbase, new Gears games always feature alot of remade pvp maps anyway.
This makes perfect sense. One huge reason i play Halo and Gears, its NOT cross platform so i have rarely ran into issues. Keep it that way. Because i can go back to THOUSANDS of "xbox is trash videos" and yall didnt want multi-player anyway, the whole Sonys single player experiences sold the console was a major talking point, so you dont need multi-player suites
😂 they dont want pvp cross play?
What Xbox players want to play the campaigns again no multiplayer sucks
i hated gears of war when coming off of halo
At this point, my Xbox is just there to be ready to play grand theft auto
Microsoft just can't stop shooting themselves in the foot over and over and over. 😂
For me personally either way, I’m gonna play the game. I love your award, but I think it would be a huge mess to not include multiplayer as as a huge component of your war. My ideal situation would be to include campaign, hard mode and multiplayer, but if I had to pick I would be OK with getting rid of hoard and having multiplayer.
Why are ppl mad? You can play horde mode on the other gears game you already own and if don’t own it it’s on gamepass which you do own and if your that much of a fan you probably own all the games so shut up it’s the same game every single time since 2 just a story
Gears>Halo. If gears doesn’t have mp it isn’t gears
No multiplayer is like eating Oreos that don’t have filling 🤣
Gears being multi platform? Nah, no way, it's no longer Gears at that point, won't even touch it if confirmed. No point in doing a collection when all the games are already on Game Pass soo..kind of dumb tbh lol as for the multiplayer it's fine cause Gears 4 multiplayer is still alive
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