A video discussing CryEngine, its benefits, and why it is not popular in this current gaming industry. Enjoy!
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Background Music: KilikaBeats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxS9U5eblro
0:00 Intro
1:23 CryEngine vs. Unreal Engine
2:42 CryEngine’s Key Weaknesses
3:42 The Rise and Fall of CryEngine
6:31 The Current Gaming Landscape
7:27 Conclusion
8:27 Ad
#kingdomcomedeliverance2 #cryengine #monsterhunter #unrealengine #unity #instantgaming #major_trenton
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Witcher 4 would've gone so hard if made in Cry
Was think why not source 2 too there some other engine they can use
AI voiced slop can't watch down voted and blocked
UE5 is trash
7:15 You can't stick with your engine when you fire all the people who understand it..
The biggest issue with CryEngine is that it's only good at making a very particular type of game. I wouldn't really call it a good general-purpose engine in the way that Unity is, for example. If I were making a first-person shooter, though, yeah, it would be a solid option. 90% of the tools within the engine are specifically catered towards FPS game development.
We'd probably be able to fix Unreal Engine's Stability problems if all the developers who used it would actually work together to figure out how to fix Unreal Engine's stability issues as Epic seems more focused on cramming new updates and tech in there rather than focusing on fixing the stability problems first.
Two words: Star Citizen. They are using a heavily modified and perfected version of CryEngine (called Star Engine) which afaik they have rights to license as well.
Whatever you think of SC, the engine is huge.
KCD 2 is amazing. Stuttering doesn't exist in this game. I swapped GPU during my gameplay and the game just didn't care. No shader compilation or stuttering.
Who remembers way back when TimeSplitters 4 was supposed to use CryEngine? Great vid.
I think the biggest problem CryEngine has it's lack of professional developers that know engine well = Harder to game studios find new employees for the game
Unreal Engine on another hand have hundreds of people that know the engine and easier to throw them in the project right of the bat without prolonged training or explanations
LOL Cryengine uses outdated FLASH for ui. It is stuck in the past.
I think CryTek made a big mistake by focusing on the less powerful consoles of the time, when Crysis 2 released. The games looked good, but couldn't display near levels of comparable size. As a result, they squandered their potential to achieve a similar level of success to Crysis.
It's a shame that Crysis 4 never came out; I think it would have had a chance to build on its success again.
Peep Star engine being used by star citizen. From what I understand it used to be cryengine just heavily modified and renamed and during the early days cryeengine devs and team got with star citizen devs to help make the engine work for their game.
Im not a dev or code guy, just an old gamer, but my impression based on seeing and playing games is that Cryengine and its users are like craftsmen making legacy furniture with lathes and handtools, and UE users are 3D printing utilitarian products.
I agree it's similar with Blender everyone uses mainly because it's more popular. As an environment artist I use Unreal because it's pretty and popular. But I would love to use Cry engine. Unreal 5 may look realistic for a particular lighting scenario, but Cry engine in my eyes, artistically looks much better. Sadly I never find anyone using CryEngine. Even in game jam's
CryEngine is not forgotten, its still being used today
Forgotten? Hunt Showdown is pretty popular.
Cryengine has one single issue….upfront payment….Unreal and Unity have pay after you make sales model….but use of those engines is free below a certain threshold……can't even dale wit cryengine hence no community or tuts
I'd use Star Engine.
how far we've come from "can it run crysis" to "KCD2 run incredibly well, using cryengine"
CryEngine 5 is amazing, I just wish Crytek imported all assets from Crysis for the remaster into CryEngine 5 and remade it, instead of making a lazy port with bad optimizations.
It also doesn't help how they banned modders for doing just that, and don't promote open documentation.
Maybe Unreal is too easy to use. When devs break the engine they have no idea how to fix it, because they arent game devs, they're unreal engine users. The solution is having consultants at Unreal who can be paid by "dev" teams to fix the underlying problems with the games.
no. UE5 will be hot fixed soon.
Its just at this point, I experience so many more annoyances than not with unreal 5 games. The best looking games Ive played this year are NOT using UE5 (KCD2,AC SHADOWS), and I dont know if that's supposed to be funny or not.
I am a little late to this party but I had some experience working with CryEngine way back before UE5 was even a glimmer. It has a lot more problems. I would say it's "Key weaknesses" have nothing to do with it being less popular but instead are the direct cause of it's being unpopular.
It has weird floating point math, especially on 3D models, leading to models with fine details collapsing due to rounding issues, you had to break up physically larger objects into many small pieces because the larger the model the more rounding would occur in the geometry.
Writing shaders was a nightmare. unless you wanted to reuse assets that Crytek/Ubisoft had already created you were pretty much SOL. It wasn't just a lack of tutorials it was also a complete utter lack of documentation, nothing was commented. it was like reverse engineering someone else's work just to get to the point you could make something your self.
While it was incredibly optimized it was also insanely purpose built, if you weren't willing to get down and dirty with the engine (Which we weren't allowed to do without a license that was an order of magnitude more expensive) If you weren't doing a first person shooter you were in for a nightmare of trying to diversify it's functions.
it was like the worst parts of source, and the worst parts of unreal wrapped up into a single insane package.
Unreal 5's greatest strength is also it's greatest weakness. It's too easy to use, it's super streamlined compared to other older engines like Gamebryo, Cryengine or frostbite. so people don't optimize because they "Don't have to"
(adding a little context. I wasn't working for a game developer. I was working with an architectural visualization company who was interested in using CryEngine3 as a realtime tool for doing 3D walk throughs of architectural designs. )
Idk… kingdom come deliverance I also was on cry engine. And that one kinda runs like shit compared to how it looks
Not too long ago I installed the Original Crysis. Man oh man that game still looks amazing, that game fundamentally remastered the whole gaming world.
I recall that al the Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts games ran on CryEngine, and did so really, really well. The graphics were excellent and the engine felt well optimized, giving excellent performance even on moderate level PC’s. It’s a far cry from Unreal, which feels like it’s gotten really bloated and inefficient.. or we’ve allowed developers using it to get so.
Fun fact: CIG signed some sort of forever license deal to base Star Citizen off CryEngine, and have since heavily modified it into their own bespoke engine they call Star Engine.. whether that ever becomes a viable industry solution for open world games, only time will tell. Doubtful.
Unreal Stutter 5
And you have not mention, that in Star Citizen a modded version of the CryEngine is use.
this guy dont know what he is talking about it seams
Unreal Engine is for dorks,
CryEngine is for geeks!
I was against Unreal 5 too, seeing how badly it runs most of the time. Until i tried Satisfactory. That game runs like a dream, even though it is doing some really intense stuff in late game.
Shows you what can be done if the devs aren't lazy.
CryEngine and Frostbite both need to be used more.
Star Citizen and the soon to be releases Squadron 42 both use Cry Engine.
I liked cry engine, especially for Kingdom Come
Frostbyte and cryengine needs to make a come back
You should do video about Fox engine
The biggest problem with CryEngine is that it died
Honorable mention to Star Citizen, which runs on a modified CryEngine. You can say what you will about the games myriad development hell faults, even as a player that has a reasonable amount of fun in the game I am also a part of that camp, but what has been achieved so far is still objectively impressive for such an engine.
If you moved the ppl who use UE5 right now to CryEngine, you would end up with shitty CryEngine games and videos about UE5 similar to this one.
in my case i can't even download cryengine, the download speed is so slow that it shows 8-9 hours to download 82mb of download size.
CIG is doing great things with cryengine as well
It doesn't help that Crytek hasn't updated their engine in years. Many people can't even download it because of a bug and they're not fixing anything.
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