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Research by: @TheLuxNoctis
Books by Lux Noctis: https://amzn.to/3rI9KBb (Not a sponsor)
Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Juk3fjAKPiqP_Bd14WVAi0RP_bdQXWukXkomJ_RYFFk/edit?usp=sharing
Stock Footage: http://www.beachfrontbroll.com/
Music: Kevin MacLeod
CO.AG (YouTube)
what the fuck is with 18 – 2 years jail time. the law should change it to 20 years because allowing these perpetrators on the street isn’t safe for the children and teenager
found this vid in callums corner's self defence playlist
I hate everything bro
Its honestly very shocking how light the sentence are, given the gravity of the crime. At least they should release all of the users name, famous or not so the masses can do the actual justice and censor all of the victims names.
Jackson Mary Lewis William Moore Elizabeth
Johnson Amy Lewis John Clark Betty
Wilson Sharon Rodriguez Timothy Brown Thomas
Jackson Eric Jones Jennifer White Timothy
Walker Laura Clark Edward Perez George
Telegram is an absolute disaster
Martin Scott Young John Lee Jennifer
Miller Mary Allen Michael White Frank
Davis Dorothy Wilson Kevin Young Christopher
one year is crazy… they should all be sentenced for life
what is the name of the group?? 😭😭
Here in 2024 after hearing the information about Taeil. The girl was 12yo and he was 24yo at the time (he is now 30) I am so disgusted and what 24yo would even think about doing that to a 12yo. He had to be sick in the head or something.
anyone here after paul got arrested?
Super dangerous
Telegram is a creepy app developed by a Russian guy. I used it for a week and uninstalled it. Its only for weird shit like the ones mentioned in this video. Dont let your kids on it. Worse even than Discord.
Why is korean media so hell bent on hiding real faces of perpetrators but public the photos of victim with no fucking mosaics
i wonder why Reignbot says is it weird if im listening to this?
I sincerely hope all however-million viewers who consume this video in the time to come fully realize and come to learn these three inescapable and undeniable facts: 1) there were more men involved than just the 260k; 2) that less than 0.1% of the members were ever prosecuted, let alone had their name/face released to the public and most of the perpetrators/regular users/even the men who actively sought out and r@ped children using the app and help from the "Doctor" ARE WALKING AROUND – ALIVE AND WELL – UNSUSPECTING TO THIS VERY DAY; and 3) THERE ARE TELEGRAM ROOMS LIKE THIS IN EVERY COUNTRY WHERE THE APP OR A TELEGRAM-LIKE PROGRAM IS ACCESSIBLE AND READILY AVAILABLE: INDIA, BELGIUM, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, JAPAN, MEXICO, YOU-NAME-IT…This is NEVER going to end, not even with the advancement of technology or decline in relations between world governments, nations, or between the sexes because money rules all and s3x is a drug…
Telegram you say…..
South Korean having the lowest birth rate !
Also South Korean , this !
rotten mangos videos on this are so good they go so indepth of the whole story
And then, they'll wonder why Koreans don't want to bring kids to this world anymore .
Do anyone of people out in the world still believe in evolution?
Today the world is technically advanced but morally corrupt barbaric!
8:05 Conspiracy theory: one of Filas competitors paid the doctor to wear that shirt for his public appearance
It's a K-Pop 🇰🇷
9:57 is that a Bulgarian Globe lol
Dead Tube IRL.
well, my faith in humanity is once again lost.
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