Thanks to an article from Jez Corden of Windows Central, we’ve got a potential look at new Xbox Hardware plans for the coming years including some kind of branded Xbox handheld later this year, along with a first party handheld and Series X successor potentially releasing in 2027. Here’s some thoughts, worries, and hopes about these plans.
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I really don't care at all about an xbox handheld. I have a lot of different (older) consoles, but those all have physical media and that just feels different to me. Like I just can't get past the question of if it's all digital, why would I get anything that isn't for steam games? I'm not interested in having a whole bunch of different digital games libraries. They just feel too the same.
I want an Xbox Series X Pro
There’s nothing Xbox or PlayStation can do that will make me buy something from them. No reason to buy their stuff when I have a PC
My Steam Deck is currently my handheld Xbox. Both remote and Cloud play perform great(PS5's remote too) . As it stands I have no interest in an Xbox handheld unless it will play my entire purchased catalogue natively/offline but I dont think thats what we're going to see quite yet.
Nintendo will have concurrency from everywhere. Finally they will have to be more loyal to the players ❤ And invest in games more than they do now. I love concurrency (Remember PS3/ Xbox360 era which brought us mind blowing game experiences only cause of it)
Not related to the video whatsoever, but I need to know where you got that jacket haha!
Give me good battery life, stream and offline mode, an Xbox UI and I’ll buy one at $300.
I want something more sophisticated than a streaming only device currently available now but I don’t want some as beefy as a mobile PC.
with switch 2 & maybe soon a new Japanese Sony PSP Vita portable handheld, then also there's the pc "american steam deck" (which didn't sell very much but did ok), then there's ROG ally, Lenovo Legion Go, & many other pc portable handhelds that all can play xbox games including "PS4/PS5/PS Portal/Switch/Switch 2" that are now able to play xbox exclusive 1st party games which are, to be honest, not even all that great/fun to play = this new xbox handheld is for sure going to be 97% – 98% completely dead on arrival. also the worst thing is that microsoft thinks this new portable xbox handheld is going to take over Japan & Asia….. oh boy here we go again
New upcoming xbox handheld, new upcoming ps handheld, new steam deck 2 from valve, plus so many other new more powerful pc handhelds are coming out soon. This might be the beginning of the end for Nintendo especially if Switch 2 flopped like WiiU
If next xbox like 2027 and 2028
Will be box ! And will be handheld
We dont need an xbox handheld. Heck manny of the devices already released comes with gamepass ultimate.
What we need is to boot into an xbox launcher thats deeply integrated with windows. With good controller support.
I never understood why microsoft keeps loosing money on a console. Instead of having existing pcs converted into xboxes. And take on steam. There are no exclusives every ps5 exclusive comes to pc a year later. other than nintendo. But literally every nintendo console is so hacked that every other hardware will provide a better experience than the switch itswlf.
Phil Spencer selling out xbox owners by porting all their exclusives, removing the biggest reason to buy an xbox. But xbox game pass on board is nice
I hope the handheld this year will have a Windows OS that is designed for the handheld gaming. They could then use this to upgrade the OS over the next two years.
6:40 You mucked up here. The Series S is the same price point of the Standard Model Nintendo Switch. So what you said here makes little sense to me. Whatever this new potable will be, it is clear it will replace the Series S in position AND price. Whatever price the new switch is going to be is irrelevant, what matters is how much loss Microsoft is willing to make in the device to ensure that the device succeeds. Thanks to Game Pass and their Services, they can take a deeper loss than Nintendo and PlayStation can in their loss leaders.
We've seen an Asus Rog Xbox series X why not an ROG Ally Xbox ? i'm just sayin…
Series S should have been the cloud streaming device. So developers would only need to focus on 1 Series X version that can be streamed to a Series S.
Honestly, there are 2 problems with all this handheld PCs: the battery life and the fact that windows is horrible to operate when using a controller-like device….it is not a good on-the-go experience, even if it was you would not play more than 4 hours without recharging it. For me, the handheld console that got most things right but is extremely underrated is the Logitech G Cloud! It is the portable Xbox , trust me! I already played games with high quality experience on several hotels WiFi, the battery lasts at least 10 hours….if they can release something like this with better WiFi and better screen I am In.
"want the option of playing xbox games NOT coming to other platfroms" please explain how that is a statement you made with xbox confirming all titles are day and date with pc and more and more of they games are going to playstation
Dedicated game console is better than PC in terms of compatibility and user experience. Every game i bought guaranteed to work unlike PC that sometimes wont run the game and need a hacky way to fix it.
Xbox handheld will be far cheaper than PC handheld because of subsidized price.
Availability of other store such as Epic and Steam means Playstation games is now playable in Xbox hardware, which is brilliant. Cant wait to see what the next Xbox hardware will be.
Steamdeck is better imo
Xbox hardware and interface > Playstation
You MIGHT want to revise this, you said xbox didn't release a revised version of them since they released the s and x. The all digital series x and galaxy black series x were revisions.
NINTENDO: don't rain on my parade…
The 2025 handheld will be a windows handheld by asus with xbox brand slap on it. The 2027 and beyond xbox will focus on a dedicated windows xbox os with access to different launchers and windows mode but will boot with xbox dashboard interface that can pin exe app on the dashboard as tiles. Users can revert between dashboard and windows dekstop.
I don't know where you got your info, but from what I understand, Xbox is no longer selling at a loss. Xbox is no longer pursuing price/power competition. They don't care if you buy their next hardware.
I think Xbox is going be Asus because they have too best system out there get 120 fps
"If you want to dip your toe in the water, get a Xbox Series S"
Phil Spencer eliminated that by not having actual exclusives for Xbox. Get it?
All 3rd party games on Xbox will also be on PS5 and Switch 2.
All Xbox 1st party games will also be on PS5 and Switch 2.
Without exclusives, the Xbox hardware doesn't need to exist and doesn't make a profit.
As for the brilliant idea of what an Xbox can be, apparently their best idea is to rip off Nintendo, just like Steam did, so Xbox is bringing nothing to market.
Oh nintendo 😢 it’s ok baby stay strong we’re getting through this
What would be the point of this there is already a ton of options that literally give you steam , game pass , cloud and Xbox streaming literally every gaming options in 1 package with no restrictions , there is literally nothing Microsoft can offer you can’t get already and without the locked , premium ecosystem that will come with Xbox and on top of the atrocious support Microsoft has with secondary devices
Don’t think a handheld will best at this moment I think it would better to have Xbox focus on game releases and probably promote game pass the handheld market is already full at this moment and I feel Microsoft may take a loss if the venture into handheld
I have a XBOX Series X and I enjoy the backwards compatibility the most. Xbox recently has gone 3rd party, I doubt I’ll pay any new Xbox systems because of it
please support this man so he can finally get some heat in his house
These rumors definitely seem to be heating up, but call me skeptical when it comes to the idea of an X-Box handheld because we've been hearing rumors of such a device on & off for over 20 years, dating back to the time of the original X-Box. I'm not saying it won't happen, but with the Switch 2 looming, sales of X-Box hardware performing so poorly right now, & the Steam Deck already having its established niche, I don't see a scenario in which something like this would be a success.
Honestly, the best time for Microsoft to have done this would have been during the 360 era. Microsoft consoles had their highest market penetration at the time & smartphones hadn't yet taken over our daily lives. Now just seems like a really bad time considering everything I mentioned that is currently working against them & their whole console / game strategy changing from what it's been since its inception.
Is this a new Xbox Handheld coming soon? So really, I can't wait to be familiar with Logitech G Cloud Gaming Handheld and Asus Rog Ally, Such like Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5
There is no market for this. JUst buy an ASUS Rog ally x or legion go and you'll already have this and most likely a better one.
My series x will be my last Xbox console. They have lost their drive to compete with Sony or Nintendo
People complain that Windows is bad for handheld gaming. I have had a ROG Ally for a while and armory crate works fine. I download my games and they appear on the main screen. I don't see what everyone is complaining about.
Nice video tnx. I don't use anything that is Microsoft so for me its a hard pass. This is cool though I guess for those that want it.
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