Trying out the new Supro Galaxy 50W amplifier. It’s NOT metal, but it’s still pretty fucking cool. Check out http://www.suprousa.com
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GLAD MIDSOMMAR! Oh yeah here's the Supro Galaxy Amp!
I know you have a big reputation… but you set a pathetic example.
Is it a metal amp if you run a fullbore metal with a OD?
If this amp sounded tighter, I’d consider buying it at some point.
That thing sounds SWEEEEET! That drive is F'n NICE! Its VERY good to have different sounds.
Glad Ola took a breath. I was worried.
I’m sorry, but the metalzone sounded awful…
The fact that it isn't a metal amplifier is what makes getting heaviness out of it so fun. A metal amplifier doesn't have to be super tight and optimized for detuned chugging to be appropriate for metal. There was once a time where we had to work for our sound.
Same ol' spitty Supro drive. Thank God, I can actually consider buying a Galaxy since it has the same drive characteristics.
We play "I'm Broken" the same.Im self taught for 20 years. But a buddy of mine in high school took lessons and that's how his teacher showed him. Hence,that's how I learned to play it through him😜👍
Pair this with a Mesa and they would kill together in a mix.
Sounds better than most anything I've heard him play through to my ears, but then again I'm not a big fan of Ola's "type of metal" in general. Great review.
Metal is for small children Rock is for us adults
Metal musicians owe a special debt to Valco (former parent company to Supro) amplifiers. They were the comparatively-inexpensive, "workingman's" guitar amplifier, and, as such, didn't stay as clean at high volumes as, say, Fender, JMI, or Ampeg. These were the amps often used in the Blues and R&B clubs before there was Rock & Roll. Those guitarists would crank those little Chicago-made combos as loud as they could go, creating a distinctly-"trashy" crunch that many English musicians would crave over a decade later, and the rest is history. Without cheap, poorly-designed Valco amps of the 1940's and 50's (keep in mind, CLEAN tones were the absolute priority in that era), there would be no distortion. Without distortion, there would be no metal.
It is good to know that this Supro amp still retains that very raw, uncouth, "trashy" overdrive associated with ValcoSupro despite being a new circuit!
Thank you, Ola, for leaving your comfort zone to show us something unique and interesting!
This is a fucking cool amp. Old school is the best school. Unlike other amps, it's got soul even when distorted and Supros have the best pick sensitivity of all the amps.
The breakup on this is absolutely beautiful. Really takes you back to that mid-late 60's sort of blues-rock tone. Glad to see they're doing their own thing right now.
Do more non-metal demos!
So much of that last quarter reminded me of Dio era Sabbath. I love it
put the fender custom shop through it 😁
The gain channel sounds as bad as a Rat pedal. I can't blame him for only playing those same 3 chords. With a sound like that there is no temptation to step up and go for it. 'TGCS = Temporary Guitar Center Syndrome'!
Should have plugged the Hm2 into it
Unfortunately that amp sounds like a Fuzz… it's just the type of tone I hate the most!
Tube screamer Ola!
Reminds me of Rival Sons' sound.
pure valve sound! why didnt boost the amp? the metal comes out
I actually prefer the Black Magick’s overdriven tone… it thought it has more meat for the chug.
I've been using a Supro Royal Reverb for post-rock/post-metal/prog/blackgaze type sounds. Great clean and beautiful amp, and takes pedals well, but wondering whether this would serve better in the heavier moments. Obv not a metal amp per se, but maybe with the right pedals? Post-rock/metal always been a tough genre for amps because of the need to go from one extremity to another. Great vid btw.
You can do both Zeppelin and Sabbath on this amp. All of the tones from both bands. This thing can coax out pretty much every kind of tone from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.
gain channel sounds like butt
The big question for this amp… Has Bruce Zinky figured out how to make an effects loop that doesn't Nerf your tone yet?
Man, I'
Man I'm broken….
you could use that in black sabbath type of metal.
That has some of the best EVH style tones I have ever heard….
Now THIS is a f*ckin review! Thank you!
well LEDs are solid state hehe
Breath man, BREATH !
Greetings grom Germany
Could you test out a vox vt 40+? I think it's great for metal but my friend says no.
Fucking wonderful guitar. Any other colors?
Would not be my amp but a good review video. Still waiting for Ola‘s first Country Album.
Ola you should have a show where you go out to Guitar stores and Pawn Shops and test all the Amp to see if they CHUG !! You can call it Ola's CHUG Search !!! I would watch that one hour long edited show a week . I'm sure your other Subs would like this also ?? Nothing like a good CHUG to break up the day !! lol
Honestly, that's the best I've heard a Metalzone sound into the front of an amp.
reaching for that tone knob on the "overdrive" channel like…
Phil X use that along with his Supro Signature. It rocks. You should've played some Hellacopters on it Ola!
it sounds like it could play classic 80s metal like Slayer, or Metallica.
Great vid im not fully metaled out but i do like too blast the gain on these type of amps
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