In today’s Daily Fix:
The latest sales figures from Circana show the PlayStation 5 outpacing sales of the PS4. That’s great news for Sony, as this current generation was slow to take off. On the Xbox side, there’s not a lot of good news, as Series X and Series S sales are pacing behind last gen’s Xbox One. In other news, a new Palworld update is available that finally enables crossplatform play. And finally, two gaming industry vets revealed plans to create an MCU-style interconnected universe for Marvel games, even before the MCU was even a thing.
#IGN #Gaming #PS5
Cap is real
I was always a xbox fan and its a no brainer xbox is an epic failure 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
watch x box fans try and justify this
My Playstation and Switch ❤💙 + Laptop, i am Happy and can play all games i want, sad that MS sales soul of the Xbox, i've played Xbox360 with more than 100 games, never forget Gears of War, Halo and Kameo in early days of the box
Microsoft said almost everything could be an Xbox, So why buying one if Your even PS4 could be!
No point in critiquing the state of the Xbox anymore – It's flogging a dead horse.
The critique and problem lies in Game Pass – which has killed the Xbox = no one finds good reason to buy an Xbox to sub to Game Pass.
The figures for Game Pass are not great, and many Xbox gamers are ignoring it and in denial.
Xbox is literally porting their exclusives to the Playstation. Why would I need an Xbox? WHY?!!?
I have 2 xbox series x in the box… In the closet…
BS my iphone a xbox according to microcrap
And the bias again
I have a series x and a pro , the series x is just sitting there unused, I cant even be bothered to renew the subscription.
The price to repair an HDMI port for Series X, is $500!!!! 😢😢😢
908 million players detected on Steam, 125 million Switch's sold….yet 70 million-ish PS5's sold makes them the kings of gaming? Also, nobody understands the difference between gross & net profits in the gaming industry it seems….
Xbox- console sales are not out focus and end all be all we have moved beyond console wars
Gaming media-ignore Xbox statement continues to act like console sales are end all be all to Xbox
Don't care xbox still betta than my ps5
Next xbox will do way better than the playstation 5
I still rock a Xbox One. Ill be just fine😊
I play games not console wars
Most people are lame which explains why the PS5 is selling so well
Games take so long and the graphics tech evolves so comparatively slow now that console generations should really start lasting more like 8-10 years not 7
Emperor's races & competition within itself as usual
Xbox lost the console war so bad 😂😂
That's no suprise crap Microsoft management is killing the brand. Just wait until everyone drops Xbox and Gamepass subscriptions to Sony or Nintendo.
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