Here is the preview of my ipod magic. Have fun watching and let me know what you think. More information about my magic can be found at
Special Thanks to:
Karl Germain (1878-1959) for the inspiration. David Britland for adding the magic of words, Kevin Blanc for relentlessly tweaking the motion graphics and bringing the butterflies to life, Alain Renold for making Karl smile one last time, Jojo Mayer for the wicked soundtrack. Matt, Sherry, Emily and sweet Carmen for their cameo appearances. Tobias Beckwith for Karls’ voice. A super special shout out to Eric Redlinger for programing MultiVid. And to Paul Cope for inventing thermoplastic glue, without it this project would not have been possible.
I made the application that I use to sync the iPods available for free at the App store:
So if you feel inspired just download and start creating… Here are the instructions on how to use it:
I remember this video! You are the best
it's amazing…….
However it's done, it's great and entertaining. Kept my eyes glued to the screen the whole time. Please keep up the great work. : )
Fantastic show!
Technology and deception. Could all be done post.
amazing magic trick 🙂 I think all of the ipods have a video and this requires alot of timing soo good job.
Well done. That was amazing
beside the awesome trick that he does with his iphones this dude is a great philosopher
Technology and Magic is the new Future
This is Amazing!!!
OMG so true 😮
He's good…
Just awesome
wow ! brilliant !
Theres an app for that, many ppl used it i saw this same video but different theme
You are greeeeat
i miss your videos..
Is there a "love" button to click?
Cool, yes; beautiful, yes; but THIS IS NOT MAGIC.
Very wonderful :DD Is that Liszt's Ricordanza, by the way? I can't remember what piano piece it is
Amaziing 😀
Very cool
How ? 🙂
I don´t like your concept of magic, above all magic is about turning impossible things into something reachable and enjoyable, tricks are the entrance to something more complex and beautiful.
This will never get old.
Iphone magic
do magic on vine app
what is that debussy piece called?
Sorry, Marco, I've watched this video so many times I already figured out every part of it 🙁
These Switz are so creative and playful.
That must of taken ages to act out with the iPhones!!
Amazing! People lie everyday and deception is fundamental part of life. It turned out that the brain is verygood at forgetting bad experiences. We are wonderfully optimistic haha
I saw this on TED. As soon as he said I wanna tell you about my favorite subject I knew what I was going to see.
Can I have one of those I pods lol
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