I had the chance to show you guys some gameplay for Assassin’s Creed Shadows via a save file through GeForce Now. I am currently playing the full game and i’ll be sharing my full thoughts and impressions on March 18th. Expect a pretty lengthy in depth video then.
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Assassin’s Creed is an open-world, action-adventure, and stealth game franchise published by Ubisoft and developed mainly by its studio Ubisoft Montreal using the game engine Anvil and its more advanced derivatives. Created by Patrice Désilets, Jade Raymond, and Corey May, the Assassin’s Creed video game series depicts a fictional millennia-old struggle between the Order of Assassins, who fight for peace and free will, and the Knights Templar, who desire peace through order and control. The series features historical fiction, science fiction, and fictional characters intertwined with real-world historical events and historical figures. In most games, players control a historical Assassin while also playing as an Assassin Initiate or someone caught in the Assassin–Templar conflict in the present-day framing story. Considered a spiritual successor to the Prince of Persia series, Assassin’s Creed took inspiration from the novel Alamut by the Slovenian writer Vladimir Bartol, based on the historical Hashashin sect of the medieval Middle East.
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12:05 peep that fit👀
Finally some martial arts in fighting. Instead of just brutal and Kratos stuff fghting style
somersaults for the sake of somersaults… So no one is parkour
Sucker punch already beat ubisoft to the punch. Ghost of Tsushima is a master piece. Where are the storms, vibrant colors etc that game is 5 years old and is better graphically with a much better game engine. Ubisoft should be aiming to those standards
The guy at 3:57 looks like the grown up version of the kid from ice age
same generic shit with junky movements and same dumb ai with a new fresh paint of japan
i'm literally shaking and crying
True next gen
Why were so many people saying it’s ugly? Like tf
its like the first time i see someone who actually know how to play an AC game but it still look like a base AC game, souless and repetitive. I might pick it up when its on discount, doesnt look good enough for day one buy
The world feel empty
This game look very good really 🙂 .
Always goodlooking game but that combat is just too easy to rigid
Its so weird they speak english with an asian accent, hopefully i can just play with japanese audio with english subtitles
Honestly I don’t know why people mad about small lil animation tweaks we obliviously expected this from ubisoft and the gameplay from orgins to now their trying and it’s getting a lil better look at the bright side what game in history as a full ninja experience the outfits the flashy moves and takedowns ac is perfect for that fantasy this is prolly the gaming industry first accurate ninja open world game like don’t me mad 😂plus when was the last time we got to play as a real fucking assassin
Yes, the developers are making changes to the game. Beautiful nature, great landscapes, wind shaking the trees, oh, and nice hair physics. And that's it? Is this really a 2025 game, guys??? Jagged transitions between animations, problems with cloth physics, inadequate shading, incorrect shadows, terrible facial animation, low-poly clothing on NPCs that give side quests, terrible and outdated horse animation and everything connected with it (from AC Origins), the super-fast rope climbing and pull-ups with jumping onto ledges are just cringe, even normal running looks terrible, especially when the character hits someone or something along the way. And much, much more… This is definitely not a game that should be released in 2025. Ubisoft is holding back the gaming industry instead of being an amazing example for other gaming studios. Sorry for my bad English.
Finally someone who can really play…. Jorraptor making the game looks bad…
Don’t care what anyone says, this game looks hella fun
Can’t wait to play this
is this on PC? if so are you using Framegen?
Seems aight I’m a little excited for it
I honestly don't care about Yasuke being in thr game, I don't even care that he can't parkour or stealth assassin without a bow, I'm OK with that….what I'm NOT ok with is that you can only equip 2 weapons! Ezio carried an entire arsenal you could switch to on the fly, but they keep downgrading the amount of gear you carry on hand. Like at least Bayek could carry 2 melee and 2 bow, Eivor could only carry one bow which was annoying. But now only 2 weapons for melee AND ranged?
Sorry that doof swiped your gameplay, hiding under fair use…. More like fair abuse
If the game was Naoe only I would probably get it day one, looks fine, not unique or must play but a decent open world.
This looks amazing. I'm actually pretty hyped for this. Gotta admit I miss seeing the eagle though.
The part you bleeped out is templar isn't it…I know you won't respond but that's definitely it 😂
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