What Xbox has been missing
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Series S: https://amzn.to/4d9fpXw
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I’m tired of the talk of new consoles when they’re are hardly any good games for the current consoles
Yeah, the death of cheap used physical copies is not without its downsides, but since there's no stores that sell them in my neighborhood, I haven't bought a physical copy in years. Lots of USB drives though.
Call of duty died years ago after cod 2
Google stadia failed why they think it would be any different xbox doing it
I'd actually use my xbox if MS added Steam. Getting to use it like a secondary PC has been my dream since support hasn't been good since 360. Adding support for external drives would also earn a lot of goodwill, still absolutely hate their proprietary storage.
I'd be cool with day one PS5 support anyways, gamepass still gets cheap access. If it means we still get good gamepass games MS should also release for extra profit. Gamepass has been a great demo service for games I wouldn't waste $70 on.
Nobody should get a kit and people wonder why there’s cheaters
At least you’re real about how you feel about the path Xbox is going. Other channels seem to want to promote MS’ vision even though you can see in their eyes and the way they speak that they really don’t feel that way.
Dont be fooled! The new hand held means they're holding back some games to launch it with!
You're reading it all wrong call of duty for next gen which is current gen because there will be no more support for last gen consoles ps4 and xbox one x with the next call of duty hence no dev kits yet because the next box will be 2028 if not later so there is plenty of life left in this old girl xbox series x that is that's also why the leaker of this was so vague so when everybody thinks it's wrong it's actually a right prediction but not how everybody is reading it sneaky sneaky
Xbox should not push for a new console. That era is over. They should look to the future of gaming and thats cloud gaming! Instead of a limited copies to play on Gamepass, they should allow us to play the games we own and have a full catalog of games to purchase and stream.
For the record of Indiana Jones, XBOX is lucky they even got 4 months. Just look at what happened to Square-Enix and Sony's relationship over the year of exclusivity for FF Rebirth. The game lost the Hype Train and SE lost the Money and said, we're NEVER doing this again. 3rd Party IP should ALWAYS be a multi-platform simultaneous release.
A side note though, what if M$ decided to use the WINDOWS kernel and DX12 for the NEXT XBOX and just be PC compatible across the board? Then they wouldn't need a DEV KIT and would have all the SCALABILITY of PC. No need to be Proprietary with 2 systems if everyone already knows how to code for the one everyone uses anyway. You have to see thru the eyes of Phil Spencer. They would then just be a SOFTWARE company again, unless they actually sold 1st party PCs, which they've always licensed out to 3rd parties. PHIL literally said, he wants XBOX games EVERYWHERE on EVEY device. Well not everyone has an XBOX and not everyone buys an XBOX, but damn near EVERYONE has at least 1 PC. So, that's my Prediction. XBOX OS, no console, maybe a 1st PARTY PC or Partner PC like what VALVE is doing.. Hell, they could partner with VALVE. STEAM OS, with INTERGRATED AZURE CLOUD VIA 3rd PARTY DEVICES. It would be pretty much game over for Sony and Nintendo at that point, unless they FINALLY came to their senses to become Software ONLY companies. This is PHIL just taking advice from SEGA as a role model. I have heard some rumors about Steam Running on an XBOX or vice versa. Another benefit to these possible scenarios is that there will be no need for PORTING games anymore. That's something that would still plague SONY and NINTENDO. Only Time will Tell.
SEGA laid the ground work YEARS ago. Ive been saying since SEGA left the hardware space, the big 3 need to follow suit in some form or another. XBOX is already on its way there now (Hell they wanted to buy SEGA at one point) Sony will be next because if they dont they will go BANKRUPT eventually and well, NINTENDO will be last because they think they're invincible. Nintendo to the Gaming community is like Don Henley to The Eagles fan's covering their songs on YouTube. lol The only Reason XBOX has a leg up is because of Phil. So it just depends on how the core of M$ feel about the decisions he makes and if they want to step in and ruin everything.
Ill be honest..idgaf about exclusivity. It has no bearing on whether or not I enjoy the game im playing. I dont need to lock other people out of something in order to enjoy it more my self. Theres enough of that B.S. IRL, and i dont need it in my gaming space. I enjoy the xbox because its ahere i feel most comfy. Its where my library is. I wish ALL games across ALL platforms were cross play and no exclusives. I wish xbox had the most powerful console too. For now i stick to my ps5pro because its the most powerful console now. So thats where my games look/perform tge best
Ps1 > xbox
Ps2 > xbox
PS3 =/< Xbox
PS4 > Xbox One
Ps5 > Xbox X/S
Remember 'cloud gaming' for crackdown 3? Look how bad that was. Is cloud gaming really ready?
This stupid move from xbox. I want console wars back f sony
Cloud gaming is 100% the future!
They gonna just wipe ps of the table 😂
I played Indiana Jones, 39 hours and didn't 100% it. I wouldn't call that a short game.
Idk why Xbox doesn't follow Playstation. Do 1 year exclusivity, then let it go to other platforms. They keep all their bad games exclusively and share their good ones 😂
Bruh, why is everyone making gaming exclusively for the wealthy? What about gamers in other countries that can't afford great internet for cloud gaming? It's getting ridiculous now.
And for the people defending it, you're gonna get price gouged as well it.
People, I have to be honest with you all. PC is the master race.
Yes, again, Microsoft just thinks that every gamer now has a stable high speed internet connection, just similar to their stupid move back in the day when they made the xbox one an always online console 🤷♂
If Xbox just made a console that runs PC games, this would simply destroy the Series X|S. Why would anyone develop two versions of the game, one for the Xbox and one for the PC, if the new Xbox console can simply play the PC version?
You ramble on and on about nothing
Time to say goodbye to Microsoft /xbox
As a European I will not be buying anything from the USA . Now that the USA is our enemy . It doesn’t now support Europe and now looks up to Russia
If the next console did look like a cube as illustrated, then a Borg cube skin would be so awesome.
They going to try to be Nintendo like what they did with the wii u which i get i mean series x/s only sold 2.4 million consoles in 2024 and ps5 sold 9.5 million just between October and December lol
Microsoft isn’t going to get away with creating an “Xbox” that runs first party PlayStation games. If you believe Sony is cool with the next thing Microsoft dubs an “Xbox” running pc ports of Stellar Blade & the Last of Us Part 2, you are crazy. If there is a way they can sue Microsoft &/or Valve over this, expect them to do it. You realize that outside of Astro Bot, Sony’s entire PS5 first party catalogue is on steam. lool. & you want an Xbox that has direct access to steam? I don’t think so. Not w/o a fight, my friends.
We are going to be elderly by the time Elder Scrolls VI comes out.
It will play pc versions of game's
Does that mean console company's finally will stop making the pc versions worse than the console versions
A new console or handheld comes out
Bethesda games – Let's put the elder scrolls III Morrowind on it
Or Skyrim
You know Bethesda was already working on this little game called Starfield when they announced Elder Scrolls 6? So, they haven't been in full development on Elders Scrolls 6 since 2018. Quit with the crap, you know better.
Starfield was junk
I won't do the cloud gaming it's a stinker. I'll quit gaming first. And play classic games instead.
It's only a win if they would let Steam games be playable for xbox console, that way there's a work around on PS games exclusive in steam. Cloud sucks it will be far from replacing consoles.
I already own 250 games on my Xbox series X console digitally . I don’t pay for a subscription. I wanna play my games from my pc. But I only have like 10 games on the “play anywhere” list and only like 4 of them are actually triple A games. From like 5++ years ago. It’s kind of a buzzkill. Carting my Xbox around with me everywhere.
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