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This is Why Xbox & Sony Have to Change Their Console Strategy | Crazy New Handheld | News Dose

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0:00 Intro

1:03 Assassin’s Creed Shadows Reviews

3:10 Crazy New Handheld

5:40 PC Dominates Against Consoles

10:23 Pokemon Gamma Emerald



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@jorgea8518 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Then the Switch 2 is gonna come with multiplats and actual exclusives without giving a shit about PC gaming. This is why Nintendo is not going for the best graphics anymore, because of how expensive it is, so by playing safe and having worse graphics, they are able to give a bunch of first party games while Sony and Microsoft struggle and have to depend on PC gaming, especially MS. Sony still cares about exclusives to an extent, so I'll continue to support them as long as they don't take the MS route and put everything Day One on PC and considered to putting their games on Nintendo.

@markshorthouse8564 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Nope Playstation not doing anything your so stupid 🙄 a cuckhold

@Thereareonlytwosexes March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Consoles have gone woke – evil Antichristian garbage. That's fact.

@danielm2808 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

I started playing on PC in late 2023 and now exclusively buy games on PC. I’ve not played on my PS5 since June/July 24. I don’t think I’ll be getting another console now unless my circumstances change and I need a cheap way to game. You never know I guess but no interest in consoles anymore.

@jacooosthuizen3593 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

People havent realised owning a Gaming PC and Playstation is the only way. If you are a gamer and playing on one system wtf are you doing? Enjoying 7 year old Sony games finally on PC? LOL Mate mate nooo ewww we played those games years ago if you have both systems. We already playing sequals and third installments coming! Go buy another $200 xbox controller lol.

@Xraided89 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

If ur a fan of assassins creed its a dope one ,fuck the critics lol

@christonchev9762 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

bought Shadows and so far tho not far in the game i like what i've seen from combat to Story tho i have t he feeling that the overall characters in Odyssey/Valhalla looked better quality than Shadows or is just me that hates so much Valhalla to a point that i miss something? and Capcom i think for 2022 said that PC makes 50% of their totall sells so am not suprized that Capcom without PC can survive and if am not mistaking Dogma 2 also sold more copies on PC than Consoles

@cyrilA. March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

I switched fall "23 to PC after growing up with PS1 PS2 and after 17 years on Xbox 😅
Not regrets all games best settings best FPS in one place

@Shannon-ul5re March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

I had enough of the consoles and switched to the pc, sold the Xbox and ps5 and built a breast of a pc that plays everything. But if you couldn’t do that, go the ps5 pro and you’ll get all games for Sony and Microsoft.

@SheepAmongG.O.A.T March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Shadows looks like a game that would be a complete waste of time, like not even for free would it interest me.

@happycloudgamer1088 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

No cloud technology is the future. To expensive for main stream gamers

@ironyoffate333 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

PC is currently still a necessity in a household, while console is always a luxury. Because most household need PC to do stuff like taxes, work, school, etc. I've asked a lot of people about this, only a very small number of household that doesn't have PC and fully doing all of these stuff fully in tablets. Rather than buying a console, some people will prefer to upgrade their PC.

And you don't need a super expensive high end PC to enjoy gaming. Look at all best selling games 2024 on PC, all of them are playable with low-mid specs (minimum requirement GTX 1060 or even lower).

I've been using $600 PC from 4 years ago, you can still play most games with this.

I think it is now a different times than some years ago. As far as i see, most games that need high specs are not successful (or at least not as successful as the one that require low specs). PS5 games sold much less than switch games. High end PC games (The ones that demand RTX) sold much less than low end PC games. Which means for the majority of people's gaming preference, high end PC (and console) are not necessary.

In my opinion, if a game company want to be successful, they have to set their games to be playable with low-mid specs.

@MountKash1 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

PC or Console, it's all personal preference.

Majority of people I know prefer console over PC. & in my experience & what I've noticed. Is you really are either a console gamer at heart. Or if you like PC, it's because you like playing mouse & keyboard/ or mods/ or pirating/ or grey site sales. I only know one person that actually converted from console & plays primarily on PC now. That particular person is one of my cousins. The rest of his household plays on console. They have all console platforms as well as a gaming PC. I also have all platforms including 4 gaming PC's in my house (of different levels and even different OS). But I primarily use the PS5. Most people I know who has console & pc. They still primarily use console. They really only use pc for games that are only on PC. I also fall into that group. & once a particular PC game then comes to console. I pickup the game there from then on. Like Delta Force Hawk Ops for example. I play that on PC, but the moment the PC version comes to console. I'll be playing that on PS5 from then on.

Also, games like Wukong & Palworld took off on PC because those games cater to eastern gamers more. Like China for example, really came out and supported those games. & China actually had banned consoles for quite a while (years ! Decades). Some of those gamers had to resort to PC & Mobile for gaming. There's other regions that also did not have access to game consoles just because they are accessible there. That's why PC & Mobile games are as big as they are on PC & Mobile. & certain games are more PC or Mobile centric or attract PC and or Mobile gamers. Western games & console centric games sale better on Console. It's literally just that simple. & those publishers are not too fond of PC. Because piracy is still a major problem on PC.

& Console is the most streamlined & straight forward way of gaming. No matter much PC gamers try to say you can make your PC like a console. It's never as smooth or clean of an experience as an actual console. Lol it's not. Trust me, anyone that tries to make it seem like it's a 1:1 experience is flat out lying. Console just simply doesn't have all the issues that PC has.

Console vs PC
On Console, controller just works with ALL games NATIVELY.
-PC, not all games have native support. Some only have partial support. Some only mouse and keyboard. Sometimes steam input doesn't even work and you have to use something like reWASD. But reWASD can get you banned from some online games.

Boot up/ Power on
•Time from Boot up to in game Playing is just wayyy quicker on console.
If I have 15 to 20 minutes to get a quick match in. I'm relying on console to get in and play the entire match quickly and easily. No random hiccups.

•All your games are automatically ready in one place/ library when you purchase.
(Not like PC where you have to have multiple stores/ launchers for different games. Having to try to compile things into one app even though the games are still launching from the other launchers).

•On console, there's No device/ app/ hardware updates that are non gaming related. No hardware updates that may throw your sound settings or launching settings or whatnot out of wack. No random non game crashes that interrupt your gaming. No issues with individual launchers having issues.

I could go on fire days but this comment is already too long. Lol but I have everything & console is just completely 100% issue free and 100% gaming focused. & everything just works.

@RobinT.H-D.E.S March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Hyped for the Yukskie Simulator. goty

@darrenpolzin8295 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Xbox needs to have steam so classics like half life 2 come to game pass!!

@Adam-Mei March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

I played PC in the late 90's then my pc got old, and I also had a N64. I just stayed with the big N and PS2 for 8-10 years then got back into PC again in early 2010s again PC got old again. Guess who's back, back again.

@badboy-gn8fu March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

consoles will still have space. there are many, myself included, who are not computer nerds and does not want the hassle of a PC. all we want is to put in a disc into the console and just play. i also don't use Windows OS. i refuse to use it so PC gaming is off the table for me. i game mostly on Nintendo and im satisfied whatever games are on there. i use Playstation to play games that i can't get on Nintendo like those Souls games that i really enjoy. as for PC? i pass.

@1moblin2 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

what Japanese Sony need to do is pull their PlayStation headquarters out of awful america & bring it back to amazing Japan so PlayStation can be pure 100% GLORIOUS Japanese again like PS1 PS2 PSX (Japan) PS3 PS4 PSP & PS VITA days before the americans completely destroy the PlayStation brand with their dumb ways, bad ideas, & terrible trash games before it's too late. people are getting extremely sick/tired of too much *american*/western stuff (and gay woke garbage) on PlayStation & it's very annoying, wack, & LAME! hope PlayStation headquarters moves back to Japan soon

don't care at all about what happens to boring microsoft & xbox

@MrSagetoYou March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

To be honest these consoles haven’t lived up to the hype. To have one of the most anticipated games force you to 40fps balanced instead on at least 60 with all features is a letdown. So yeah, a pc is the better option. People have been gamers for over 30 years and are tired of the marketing scams of Sony and Microsoft. Enough is enough!

@Giggles_iJest March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Are they making online multiplayer free like in the PS3 days? Cause that's really about the ONLY way I'm ever going back to consoles

@Aureo-nt1gy March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

My hope for this is that Sony expands into PC, mobile and cloud/TVs by putting the same PS store that’s on console, also ok these other platforms. Then keeping their first parties exclusive to said store/launcher/app, save for LS/GAAS. The exclusivity competition can still exist in different ways.

@David.W.Kelsey March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Utter crap.

@RadimuxCisco March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

You know a lot of people say GTA would be fine without PC. However, GTA Online is the big driver for revenue. Are we sure a new GTA Online will have a delayed release on PC? Maybe the main game, but I am not sure about online.

@conkersquirrel8872 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

One of the biggest issues with Ubisoft is that they never really brought anything new to the gaming market most of the time. Every year was almost guaranteed to give you a new AC, Far Cry, and whatever else known that's formulaic and repetitive.

@iCOLTRA March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

No More Console Wars
Its Stream Wars now
MS Vs Valve

@tyrooneyfromdababooney7585 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm



@hunt7533 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

If PC haves an both Xbox and PS homes with the achievements and all that, I will literally main PC for the rest of my life.

@llort7771 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

PC handhelds are not doing great. Steam Deck hasn't even reached 5mil sales. If that was an Xbox or PS handheld It'd be seen as a failure.

@paulkinder8440 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

I feel because neither PS5 or Series X as far as a generation goes, it's been lacklustre. Hence why players gravitate to different platforms. Nothing of note has come from western devs, the triple A space hasn't been great. Hence why games are doing better from the far east. Regarding Ubisoft, I couldn't care less about Assassins Creed Shadows, Ubisoft like many western devs are a shell of what they once were. It appears gone are the days when devs tried to make fun games with nothing shoe horned into a game to tick a box.

@easygoinowen4304 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

6:00 it's quite frustrating to hear this, because xbox saw this way back in 2016/17
And have spent the last decade building a foothold on the expanding market, but seeing nothing for it, because popularity hasn't been on their side

@pop1moreb4igo March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

I've always enjoyed assassin's creed almost every one. I've played beat them all. But no not this one the story sucks, and keep the Force queer shit onto people. Know your audience and who actually plays and buys your products. You lost me for good.. I may play remakes especially black flag. If you fire 90 percent of you BS DEI/BLM/LGBTQ. than someday you may gain your audience back, but keep on you will definitely lose your company. Bet.

@CornKhip March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Personally I’m lookin forward to assassins creed shadows all tho I probably won’t play it til way later this year.

@davidvillamarin7164 March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

Consoles arent going anywhere!

@roseforyoubabe March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

zboz failed as a console nintendo and sony are the opposite and will continue in the future to be consoles

@roseforyoubabe March 22, 2025 - 6:07 pm

i am not and never will be a pc gaming fan console all the way…

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