Home Fitness The Best & Worst Glute Exercises (Ranked Using Science)

The Best & Worst Glute Exercises (Ranked Using Science)

by admin

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Ranking 25 glute exercises on a tier list based on the latest science. This is how you should interpret my tier list:

All exercises are ranked based on muscle building potential.

S tier – My favorite. Do them if you can.
A tier – Strongly recommend.
B tier – I still do these in certain contexts. There may be better options.
C tier – There are better options for most people. Can still have value in some contexts.
D tier – Probably not a great option for most people.
F tier – Generally not recommended.


0:00 – Glute anatomy and ranking criteria
2:06 – Barbell Hip Thrust
3:51 – Machine Hip Thrust
4:21 – Single-Leg Dumbbell Hip Thrust
4:43 – Glute Bridge
5:01 – Frog Pumps
5:25 – Barbell Back Squat
6:08 – Smith Machine Squat
6:16 – Bulgarian Split Squat
6:52 – Donkey Kicks
7:11 – Fire Hydrants
7:23 – Kickback
7:55 – Step Ups
8:20 – Machine Hip Abduction
9:03 – Cable Hip Abduction
9:11 – Lateral Banded Walk
9:25 – Walking Lunge
10:12 – Smith Machine Lunge
10:23 – Smith Machine Lunge (Front Foot Elevated)
10:30 – Curtsy Lunge
10:51 – Deadlift
11:20 – Sumo Deadlift
11:41 – Romanian Deadlift
12:08 – 45-Degree Back Extension
12:33 – Cable Pull Through
12:45 – Kettlebell Swing


Hip Thrust Studies

Hip Thrusts vs Back Squat

Training Glutes in the Stretched Position

Sumo vs Conventional Deadlift


Written by Jeff Nippard
Filmed by Cam Cline https://www.instagram.com/cameronncline/
Edited by Rickie Ho, Sam Ding, Jeff Nippard (https://twitter.com/coldgamerick)
Graphics by Sam Ding & Rickie Ho
Music Arranged by Jeff Nippard
Music sourced from Epidemic Sound


About me: I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 15 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).


Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.


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@JeffNippard March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Hey guys! The tier list series has been a bit more controversial than others, so I figured I’d preemptively try to answer a few questions here. It’s hard to include all the nuance I’d like to in these videos and still keep them a reasonable length, so here you go!

Q: Some of these rankings are just your opinion, right? Are they really based on science?

A: Sure – my rankings are a combination of science, experience and opinion. There isn’t direct science on most of these exercises, so I have to make inferences based on indirect evidence.

Q: How is the Nautilis Glute Drive/ Hip Thrust Machine only in A tier yet it’s the “best” for the mid-glutes (behind door #1)?

A: I put it in “high A tier” meaning it’s an exercise I very strongly recommend (and I do it every week myself). I marked it down half a point for not getting a deep stretch. This is because there is research suggesting the glutes respond well to longer muscle lengths (albeit mixed). I still think from a practical programming standpoint this isn’t a dealbreaker though, since you’ll be combining exercises anyway. And the real reason it’s my “best” for the mid glutes is you can progressively overload hip extension SOOOO effectively.

Q: How is the walking lunge S tier+ yet it wasn’t behind any of the 3 doors?

A: The three doors reveal exercises that are really good at targeting a specific aspect of the glutes (upper, mid, lower). The walking lunge will hit the entire glute very effectively. If I personally had to pick just one exercise to keep, I think that’d be it.

Q: Why is the 45-degree back extension in S tier, yet it wasn’t behind any of the three doors?

A: Same as above. The 45-degree back extension will hit the entire glutes. I would say it’s “low S tier” since it isn’t quite as conducive to progressive overload, but this concern basically goes away once you combine exercises anyway. I usually do these for higher reps and to isolate the glutes without involving the quads.

Q: You say the Bulgarian Split Squat can be difficult to overload, especially if you do it with dumbbells, yet you put the Dumbbell Walking Lunge in S tier?

A: The Bulgarian Split Squat was still “high A tier”. It’s amazing. With walking lunges, I find I’m able to progressively overload better by adding an extra step or two each week. The fact that you’re moving through space makes it more motivating to overload via reps compared to Bulgarians where you’re fixed in space and feel like death when you add reps.

I have no idea if any of you thought of those questions, but after rewatching, those were a few things that came to mind that I thought could be confusing. Hope it helps! Peace!

@jesusvsharcelement March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Mmh for hypertrophy… It is in the A tier than one needs to look at .. 😅

@trenttrent3228 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Jeff literally just had sex with that dumbbell.

@gabrielkovacevic176 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

do this now for traps!

@dr00skee47 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Do we think good morning is in a

@hadhad129 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

how do u feel about reverse vs walking lunges!
i guess i could alternate reverse, walking and curtsey.
My glutes were awesome in the past then my quads and hams or adductor have taken over now glutes lacking a bit main goal of this year. especially glute max actually.

@atrophyyx March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

my gym had a nautilus glute drive but because I'm a smaller female the strap was way too big and i would have to hold it with my arms so it was super unstable 🙁

@schauviola8390 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

The video I was waiting for 🙏🏻. Thank you for the summary of all the information

@user-eh8it8lr1r March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

no male bodybuilder should train the gluteus muscle seperately!!!

@alonezlciel March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Good timing video. I have a weak glute that make my knee hurt every time I do lunges.

@monkafire3970 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

My cousin adopted an Amstaff in October 2024 and then passed away in December 2024. He was sick for a long time but the dog was a lifelong goal that brought him immense joy in his last few months. His flatmates didn't want the dog and my wife and I just suffered losses of our senior dogs in quick succession, but amidst which we had also taken on a lab and doodle backyard mix who is 10 months old now. I told my wife if the Amstaff was a good fit for our house, we should take him on. The end of February we brought him home and his sister was thrilled because she could out run him on our 1.5 acre property. After weeks of daily training, Lance (the amstaff) has become swole and now out paces not only his sister but also the airborne ball, jumping to catch it midair. A few days ago, he was splooted on our bed with a chew and I looked at his rear end and said, "You have a Jeff Nippard ass." And now that's part of his greeting when I get home and he's all excited. I pet and praise him in that frantic, matching of the dogs enthusiasm level and when the pets get down to his butt, I congratulate him on having a Jeff Nippard ass.

@CarlosNovoa01 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

-Bruh can I use the dumbbell?

-Sure, let me "finish" with it first. 🥵 5:01

@gishwangechi6872 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

This list is wrong. I recommend you stay out of women’s business

@justinwright7469 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

I like the recommendation of widening the stance during lunges.

@aestatfrom22 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

The book You Are Stronger Than You Think by Cryptic Lore is so underrated. The way it explains natural testosterone boosting is next level

@TrollfaceDarkBruhLmao March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Forearm next

@danosvan March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

is it okay to train a muscle once per gym session?

@tsp8855 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

disappointed Jeff didnt include the power good morning in this

– excellent stim to fatigue ratio vs RDL or other loaded hinges
– highly loadable
– hamstring and glute emphasis can be modified by varying degree of knee flexion
– option for both high and low bar –> comfort and moment arm adjustments is possible
– minimal equipment
– great force curve – hardest at bottom when torso is near parallel and glute is stretched

this is not even getting into the benefits it has in terms of strength transfer over to other lifts such as back squat and DL

I really hope Jeff reads this and updates his list

@ahmedthetrainer March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

What about leg press??

@jakeandsarahhealthnuts3299 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

he really didnt forget any glute exercises in this list. I mean he didn't do monster walks but that's basically the same thing as band walks.

@_maze_4733 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

This leprechaun still alive?

@DawsonCriddle March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Yo Jeff can you make a video about what types of blood tests you take and where different levels/results should be for optimal muscle growth??

@bbomer3777 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Front foot elevated reverse lunges absolutely smash my glutes. My S+ exercise for glutes.

@facuuaf March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Where are my leg press machines?

@naomi6056 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

We shoulda gotten a cameo from Stephanie! Totally support her getting off social media but we do miss her… And we know which of the couple is winning when it comes to glutes 🙃

@FearlessTraining March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Great video as always Jeff, very informative. Out if interest was there a reason you didn't include a stiff leg deadlift or more bulgarian split squat variations?

@cherrylanemonroe1082 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

May seem like a dumb question, but IDC! lol How is it that the convicts in prison even grow muscles ? I am quite sure that they idon'thave the best diets or even the amount of protein they need to grow that much muscles! And I also wanted to know why is it that my glutes grow simply by walking?? I love to power walk and that alone lifts my booty like nothing else. I am just starting out at the gym. THX!!

@saraht5202 March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

jeff you’ve just convinced me manifestation is real because i started watching you a few months ago and at least once a week i’d go looking for any info you had about training legs hoping to find a video like this 😭😭 great video

@facuuaf March 21, 2025 - 10:07 am

Wide shorts for the front shots, leggings for the back shots pls

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