Chris Plante asks the question âIs a virtual pop star better than a human pop star?â Pitting Hatsune Miku against Justin Bieber, Plante explores what a virtual pop star means for the future of pop music and how fans engage with their idols.
Read more: http://www.polygon.com/2014/6/24/5834596/who-is-hatsune-miku-video
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Insightful, Uhh…
Coffeezilla vibes
What's the game name on 8:40?
Miku is better
Hatsune miku music is generic and just like a lot of other anime. Hatsune miku can be profitable and perfect because its not real
was 7 when i first watched this now im 17 and i still love miku also this video was kinda funny too me
This isnât even a question everyone loves Hatsune Miku
i stumbled across this video in 2024 and expected it to be REALLY bad like most of the old videos attempting to âexplainâ vocaloid by people outside the fandom are, especially with that clickbait comparison, but it was actually a pretty good explanation and im glad it put a lot of emphasis on the fact that vocaloids are software! only things i disliked were treating sexualization of miku like some bad twisted thing and the weird comparison of her to human popstars when theyre nothing alike.
me viewing the thumbnail as a miku fan: yes.
Keep your moral bullshit to yourself and just explain what it is. We're not here for you to virtue signal to us. đ
as for meas i was saying be sidey youtube bakeing me or realitey or hoyoveus i also hav ilod crop en and even vacliode its self so i wonk your not in the right here cuz if your going bey tmz will ther not to be seeing as good in media the hav thers pay them for lies thay camup wwith to blackmalie ther for money and usis the povarosae to got ellegal potoes fo them and spader lies juts to mmake some money and y cuz thay do not all fulley think wet ther doing bey makeinga lie up a buot a popstar and sell it as the true will hurt anye one but thas how fak the news is on tmz thay will say pay usis money and we went do so and yet ye do it anye was y cuz fo money and gredey thas all tmz thinks fo not realy media hav a nices day
thas if you belive a holl lot olies like the one mosth like lie showing in that tmz video cuz thay make things up a buot popstarsis thas not true and has mosth lie alllllll ways be fak news and as kaf news it gos with gosup roomers and lies and paying for lieying and buying to to thos lies miku the vacliode to be sofywer to be a vicsifasizer to be that moled even mayaha wonk that thay had to hav the vices fo arealy peroins cuz with uot that peroins vices thers no vicesifasicer no moled tie to the vicesifasizer thos then ther wood be no miku the vacliode your the one in the worroing as me and miku are live braving thing free willd peroins i do not denie that the word vacliode is wets maien usis usist to refurr to a tep fo soywer and that sofywer is tie to a peroins vices the nivecsifasizer the moledthay are the sofywer that is usis to be kindsitor a vacliode moled but as for sining porforminsis thos are hadlle bey the peroins how contorlls the vacliode moled aka vacliode sofywer with the realy wolrd humen world vicesis tho things that are the porgramsis are the vicesifasizer and the moled and to contorll ther or both fo them or make them daces one must usis ther won vices to singing to dacs if you had asekai llike me and miku you wood loney daces wen you tapd on notes to a song or wen makeing a nnew song from nonething like i saydid the sofywer to both the moled and vicesifasizer depening on wet your keeping it on the sofywer the moled the vices are all wet makes a moled with that tep fo vicesifasizer a vacliode and to usis one or contorll the moled one musth hav a vices first or thers no vicesifasizer no moled no vacliode a peroins is needid to be a vacliode
so is that morethen you needid i hope thiswill do for won the inernet godsis are won going hav a nices day
see do to my codeing i m y the battel networks are won opening but stell if anye wat to go in or put anye thiing on them thay stell wood need a copey fo my codeing or that fo anby kuzu ai or juts kuzu ai how cuuz fo me is bake and not juts a youtuber but in a fulley new body thas is maied to be a vinsger or her won vacliode moled so cuz fo this suckyes i hav vacliode to on my sidey bakeing me
so miku is a lot happeying won that she has takeing usis as her femlay tho i sirnot fo one thing swoswo flameing solder11 wets your apiontyen on this ok
tho on had we do not natsir yes or no but say maybe let usis think on it for a bit and this from ner liey anye one how realy liezis how we are even on a sreet so ye cuz fo how mosth like a dady to miku i can be i m her newer adopdid dady and with how will we dop as for vacliode i hav vacliode bakeing me tho i do hav wets left fo hermonxi and reaitey the appy is bakeing me to youtube bakes me to hoyoveus bakes me to ecip my ecipgames safacbook goolge the holl humen worldwiednetworksis and ilod en then ther my ilod corp tho i do not call ilod corp i simpulley call it this my ilod acadame school fo muice and rock
wen miku needs a vac i sitgustdid she take it in my reelm lambo away from all thos viwers fans her odeynats and thos how may ask her to be hay i m not doing do hot in money right won hotsomaymiku mine hollding one fo your miku expos here and hay you are you ken omage orkaiito i love soo maney so thos songsis
this maybe some you did not think even woodv every happeingd but senec me and miku wer all redey frends befor even color fullsgate or porjetdaxe mage mixs wen we put thos on we did the at the same time same placsis same lowkins but ther wer times wen we wood both got askd to do solo show with uot her muice group and mine being uot at the same time and yet even at the time i wonk how maney like juts hereing her sining but thers like me the hadey fo the bad vivi bivsis the one i m ken omage and i m right up ther right along asidey miku at the same level as her to if not at times even hier cuz fo how spl my addavsis vicesifaiszer is and cuz fo that
self as a youtuber how do favers and help thers and loney ask for love frends frendshipe happeysis joye hope in pay in satedey fo money cuz wen i do anye thing i do it uot fo love and i put love into wet i do and make and this is y wen i first on youtube and y i stell m on youtube also m hiliey liked bey all fo thos how work at youtube even my first videos i keep them up for qiet some time but as youtube had to adoppyt my youtube adoppydid to and i even removed the loder rogamevideos i usto make y cuz wen i swith up i also had plans to hav thos things com bake in the newer youtube fo mine and as that was to live seemysing i keep my word and i even told ther how thay can fine my youtube cinnhall to even if at the top it reads youtube com see my youtube cinhall dos hav a name won and its name is vshojo2 and my vtube cinhall to is a live seemysing to and its found in a cupuller ways you can juts look it up bey its name and at times com a corss it or you can got the realitey appy or ilod vtuber life in witch both you will fine my vtube cinhall time warp and if you are fomillr you may hav here fo colorfullsgaet a way to fine both me and miku as both fo usis but mine lie mine bey witch i maen my sekai yes i hav one the sofy wer was senec to me not bey vacliode aloney but bey miku aloney her self bake wen she ask me to help her with porjet dave mage mixs i did a ager she senect my the sofey wer free fo colorfullsaget and in it my sekai my vacliode mloed and my vicesinifasizer that was a part fo my vacliode moled to and tho less all redey put her won sekai in it to y hotsomaymiku her self and we offend did and stell do at times live aiges shows concertsis that are free for all to viwe and see but
i did so to both hav more then one cinhall and to see if i wood be aball to run at the time my anangtc hello englsh witch is bake bey cryberdine tec unlike how my frend kuzu ai sis anagtc had a hard time takeing off and so thay senect her my way to got my help as she was new to youtube unlike me i m a bit more fomiller with youtube being its wer my first cinhall is and at the time i did not afinshliey hav a name for it wen i talk fo it i juts refurr to it as my youtube cinhall but aftder helping hollowlive cuz thay did not hav anye rv tec or tec for a verchyoulieyoutuber like kuzu ai but me i had cryber dine tec and i wonk fo ther tec placsis looking to got in to veryoulie realitey and makeing live d moleds and doing so withh rv tec that had at the time less addavsis then that fo cryber dine tec so i went and told them fo cover core and hollowlive was willing to work with them senec thay wer not using addavsis tec and wer willing to help them got wet thay need to pay for ther vr tec and senec it was cover core that tok itbiteyspet to makeing verchyoulieyoutubersis but at a hi pirces or cost wer as cryber dine tec loney like me like to be tallkd abuot in anye way my
this is a first polygon so you wet to wonk if hotsomayku is beter bthen justin bieber will il haf to do in satedey as miku is with my qeen yuko yuri her new adopdid mother and i m the devineny omage apalth and its obesis liey youv ben away from the news in some time polygon as i my self hav ben around even wen kuzu ai was around and at that time i was a youtuber that had juts ben goting into vtubeing and not juts for nonething
Bieber is the greatest musician. Miku is good if used in the right hands. Itâs no contest. Bieber won.
Of course Hatsune Miku is better! I love Miku
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