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#Technology #Coronavirus #TodayShow #Covid19
Innovative Technology Battling COVID-19 | TODAY
I need this journal..
Law enforcement what law are you enforcing. If we keep feeding the giant. It's going to continue to grow.
Oh good! We can use our phones to detect when a communist comes in contact with and infects another Democrat.
All this 'Big Brother 1984' crap because people won't do the right thing voluntarily like wearing masks and behaving responsibly to help stop the virus. Wouldn't you rather give up a little personal freedom voluntarily by complying with common sense measures than forcing the government to take away a lot of your freedom by monitoring you with a drone. Stupid, stupid people.
Why do they most of the time take it too far, control freaks. Why do you need to see that, this is a health response not a police issue.
RIGHTS-WHAT RIGHTS there changed to suit,it not just a mask to hygiene as it air born blowen around no matter the distance to privations ,got to venture out to get supplies ,to resources need to be made so cant see control of the problem being resolved no matter what , when and how you got to waiting for it. just a chemical test leak,flu on a higher level over it ,like going fishing throw more out to pull a mass amount of profit, uneasiness,control.yet nevermind the other matters at hand being the ozone layer, emissions [ pollution] WERE NOTHING BUT LAMBS MADE TO BE A ANT
Wow behind scary and a violation of rights
Pathetic need for control, this isn’t about “health”
Why does the say "masks MAY help the spread of coronavirus"?!
We know it does! So this is not helping with the ppl who are still sceptical and are hurting all of us
This is unconstitutional!
I fly racing drones for fun, the FAA has slowly been taking rights away and giving our airspace to these corporations. Technically you no longer own the airspace above your own property, within a few years all my gear will be outlawed and I will no longer be allowed to build my own RC planes/quads/etc.. I am furious that the FAA has not given the largest part of the drone industry a seat at the table (hobbyists). I already have had police flying drones over my property twice in the last 6 months. Meanwhile they are trying to tell me I will no longer be able to fly my racing drones around my own property! This country is becoming so restrictive! Do not give up your privacy! Fight for what you believe in! Drones are not the problem, people are..
opening story.. COPs playing health detector.. why? have the health department do that..
Then it gets abused because after the pandemic they will say its keeping areas safe and cutting gas cost for a chopper now you have hundreds in the skys thanks to this f you i need money mindset type of people
Thank the mask protesters for causing government to go this far
Washable masks, free shipping, on sale
This is not good we live in a free country 🇺🇸
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