Have you ever wanted a cupcake blind cover up tattoo on your neck or perhaps a demon slayer tattoo? Ariel Dejesus has you covered!
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Bro you look skinny in the thumbnail but you're wham 😂
She also films her clients tattoos and process without their consent, even if they say they don’t want to be filmed she found loopholes to still film them for content. She also let her 11/12 year old child tattoo actual clients ALONE, she also steals other artists work, I also believe she claimed to invent glitter tattoos, and her work just sucks. A lot of people got infections from her because of her not having a sterile area and her tattoos often heal with tons of scarring because of how fast she tattoos. Treacletatts on YouTube made a whole series about her 😂
The issue with Ariel is that her tattoos are cheap and in today's world where you can have to legit jump through so many hops, and bs just to get a pretty drawing on your skin. I can't justify spending 1k on a tattoo in this economy no matter how bad i want one, i will always look at that tattoo with regret if i ever lack funds at another point in time because i could have not gotten the tattoo and have enough for car repair, but with Arial i can justify 200 for a tattoo and still have 800 left over, that not even including the time it took yo find someone to do the tattoo in the exact style you want, especially since a lot of artists online with cool work never seem to show their work on darker skin color so i cannot justify paying that 1k for someone who may be equally as bad tattooing on darker skin color because im one of a handful of people.
She doesn't even go for small easily concealed tattoos. They're all gonna regret it
If you’re doing blind tattoos it should literally be the most basic shit like flowers
I can't get over that she's free handing the stencil over massive existing tattoos. Of course it looks like dog shit.
She must have blindfolded herself during that demon slayer tattoo
I don't have an issue with a "blind" tattoo (I wouldn't do it tho), but at least go to someone who's good. She has no talent, her technique is awful and therefore her tattoos won't last, she has no artistic eye or understanding for color or design, she's irresponsible, money hungry, selfish, rude, and not hygienic. There is absolutely no reason to ruin your body or catch an infection because it's cheap. If it took 4 weeks to save $160, guess what? Save for another 8 weeks and get something way better! IT WILL BE WORTH IT! Take your time getting a tattoo and if you cant handle a lot at once, tell your artist and work out multiple sessions BEFORE YOU BEGIN.
I’m not a tattoo artist and I don’t have any. But holy hell would I never ever go to this woman, the line work is worse than most 5 year olds can draw, shading is atrocious and the “speed” in which she hurts her clients is insane. Along with her just pretty much saying it’s fineeeee I need to speed though it because they’re in a lot of pain. YOU’RE CAUSING THE INSANE AMOUNT OF PAIN
she's back?!
HELL NO!!!!!!!
This set background is ☺️👏both bears made your video more 💅😄😂😌👌
Her saying “It’s not that big of a deal homieeee” in regard to hygiene around literal open wounds means she’s just a sepsis death case waiting to happen. One of the worst things I’ve seen as an RN is an arm that had to be amputated due to this very circumstance. Her lackadaisical attitude towards proper technique, protocols and health regulations should have her reported at this point 😳😳😳
Doing "omakase" commission for tattoo is real crzy not gonna lie.
Ive waited 49 years to get a tattoo, but still not found anything id want on me for life.
Let alone someone else making up they're mind, for whats going on me.
Dude, I know a well-known tattoo artist who legit took part in making the proper tattoo hygiene requirements. If he saw this, her business would be gone due to lack of hygiene
1:48 hairy ass mole
I've seen a few tattoo artists do a similar little gamble EXCEPT they made sure the client was fully consenting of the design, giving them every single out and another chance to choose a new mystery design. It was just small designs you get from a prize machine. The same feeling of mystery/gambling that one may like from a blind tattoo, but with the added consent that should always be present with a tattoo.
Omg I have the same ikea teddy bear his name is Toast
0:36 how’d you get that photo of me bro? 🤨
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