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#apostlejoshuaselman #koinoniaglobal #youtube
I stopped listening to selman after he got that sword
from Duncan Williams that sent chill's in me
Do a thoroughful search before you do whatsoever you are doing.
Apostle kindly give me 1of your car's I'm charity Amoah Ghana
I love you Apostle, you minister to my soul, God Almighty bless you and your ministry. Amen
I love my Apostle Joshua Selman
God will show you that he is God for laying against his sarvant
If God decides to bless him with bounties from heaven, what's wrong with that or how does it undermine the limitless bounties of God
He is my pastor anytime anyday,he is too too good
This man of God has really transformed my life through his teachings of the word of God,, God continue to bless you Apostle
Apostle hasn't written any book yet o. Get your information right
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