Post Trauma is an indie horror game releasing later this month for PC and consoles. This game is a clear ode to classic PS1 survival horror titles like Resident Evil and Silent Hill and isn’t shy about its inspiration in the slightest.
What really helps sell Post Trauma’s classic appeal are the fixed camera angles which shift from different angles to static CRTV perspectives depending on the context.
There’s also plenty of slow-paced puzzles that you’ll have to figure out the old fashioned way: through exploration. Environments range from creepy rooms to spooky hallways. If you’re a fan of creative enemy designs and methodical Silent Hill style gameplay, Post Trauma may just end up as your next favorite game in the horror genre.
The combat seems weird, i hope its better in the final version, because this seems a very interesting game.
We're tired of developers either attempting to present something "new" in old packaging or regifting us with new wrapping paper.
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