I finally decided to tackle some of the more complex issues I was having with multiplayer, and this is how it went…
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#LatencyIsTheEnemy #Devlog #PirateGame #GameDev #IndieDev #IndieGame #Multiplayer #Unity
In this multiplayer devlog I finally decided to tackle some of the more complex problems I’ve been having with multiplayer. Latency is the enemy, and makes building multiplayer games 1000 times more painful and time consuming. While I’ve managed to get latency mitigation techniques like client prediction working on dry, non-moving land, it’s a whole other story when you’re standing on a moving boat, and this video is a summary of my experiences over the last 3 months.
The music used in this video is sourced from the YouTube Audio Library and StreamBeats.
The fact that this approach even worked in LAN at all is a miracle, probably cause you server tick was low enough for both the client and server to approximate closely to each other, ignoring a few milliseconds delay. Or your correction code was always activated anyways (which is obviusely bad), just in a visually unnoticable differences that you thought your synchronization code worked, but it never did as it always corrected no matter what.
its straight forward
1) try doing everything in ticks
2) try doing everything in deltas with deterministic state machines
The other half is spent finding that ONE sneaky mistake
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