Liar, Theif, Copycat! Force 6 Fitness is called a lot of things but are their premium cable attachments and home gym equipment original designs or stolen from Darko Lifting and other home gym equipment designers?
Force6 Fitness:
Code NoFate247
Budget Cable Attachments:
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Who Robbed Who? | Darko Lifting Home Gym Controversy | Force 6 Fitness Review
• LAT Pulldown Bar:
o Wide LAT Bar
o Pro-Style LAT Bar
o Neutral Grip LAT Bar
• Triceps Attachments:
o Triceps Rope
o Triceps Pressdown Bar
o V-Bar Triceps
• Rowing Attachments:
o Double D Handle
o V-Bar Row
o Seated Row Bar
o Triangle Row
• Handle Variations:
o Single D Handle
o Rotating Handles
o Ergonomic Handles
o Trak Handles
o Sports Handles
• Bars:
o Straight Bar
o Curl Bar
o Multi-Grip Bar
o Revolving straight bar.
• Lower Body:
o Ankle Strap
o Glute kickback strap.
Premium/Quality Descriptors:
• Heavy-Duty
• Commercial-Grade
• High-Quality Steel
• Knurled Grip
• Rubberized Grip
• Chrome Finish
• Durable
• Reinforced
• Urethane coated.
• Precision engineered.
Workout/Functionality Terms:
• Muscle Activation
• Range of Motion
• Versatile
• Functional Training
• Strength Training
• Resistance Training
• Cable Exercises
• Pulldown
• Rowing
• Pressdown
• Bicep Curls
• Tricep extentions.
• Face pulls.
Home Gym Specific:
• Home Gym Equipment
• Cable Machine
• Pulley System
• Fitness Accessories
• Workout Accessories
• Space-Saving
• Compact Design
• Functional trainer.
• Cable tower.
Brand/Retail Related:
• Best Selling
• Top Rated
• Premium Brand
• Online Fitness
• Gym Essentials
• Garage gym.
• Solid Steel
• Alloy Steel
• Stainless Steel
• Nylon Straps
• Swivel Joint
• Aluminum pulleys.
• Smooth Movement
• Fluid Motion
• Natural Grip
• Enhanced Grip
• 360 degree rotation.
Exercise specific terms:
• Lateral raises.
• Rear delt flys.
• Cable crunches.
• Cable kickbacks.
• Leg extensions.
General Fitness Terms:
• Strength.
• Fitness.
• Workout.
• Exercise.
• Muscle.
What are your thoughts on the Force6 Fitness Controversy! I need to know your unbiased opinion
Force6 Fitness:
Code NoFate247
OK dude, Harry is not a steal from Starwars! Take that back. The rest of the vid is good
Ordered the row handle. Used your code. Thx.
If u google pin extenders before even gym pin existed u will find some companies who had them either alone or comes with their machines, patent can be knocked in that terms
my force 6 barbell anchors should je arriving today. Idc who came out with the product. for a small piece of steel, the asking price is absurd either way, but I broke down n got the force. Ultimately it's cheaper and holds more.
Titan proved you can create a successful business by imitation of popular products at a reduced quality and price. It is nice when people are loyal to a small company that has been great to the home gym community. It is a free market and we as a community should vote with our dollars who we support.
The F6 affiliate code is a bit off putting . Seems like this video was just a big click bait. Nobody ends up for the better with this video.
When possible, I think it’s better to buy from the original/inventor. My Drink Spotter is from South Dakota, and if I buy some Anchors, they’ll be from Darko.
Looks like that affiliate code got in the way, oops
I was prepared to go either way. Iterating other people's products is normal in every industry. Looks like some of the products are good, but how he conducted himself on the Garage Gym Radio pod turned me off big time. There is no such thing as a minor lapse in integrity. You either have it or you don't. He showed several times clearly that he is very comfortable bending the truth when it's to his advantage. If someone lies once, they'll lie again. No interest in giving his company any of my money or time. And, honestly, because all he does is iterate other people's products, I can get everything he sells, or a version of it, somewhere else. If he had just been honest and upfront on the pod, I'd prob have a few of his products. btw, I'm gonna end all my videos with, "this is Tim, checking outttt!" It's not copying at all, totally my idea!😂
Darko and his cancel culture attitude are probably top 2 worst things to happen to the home gym community. I don’t know why people defend the guy
this is a race to the bottom and stealing intellectual property for such a niche product isn't right.
Honesly, It seems like he is just changing things enough to give some deniablity. The company that is pioneering the idea is taking all the risk, but is it the safest buisness model.
Is there any idea that wasnt already popular that he has incorperated?
Santa delivered a Weider arm blaster under the tree in 1982. I haven't used one in years.
I believed EVERYTHING you said until you threw in your AFFILIATE Links! 😆
Force 6 mag pins are by far the best I've seen yet. I have 4 of them and should've got 4 more instead of the ones i got from Exponent Edge
Team Darko! Discount Darko should “hit the bricks kid! FOOOOOOOREEVA”
If you dig deep enough, you can find something that “inspired” everything. More options only benefits the customers.
Can we normalize releasing a blacked out version of everything?
I'm gonna take credit for drawing your attention to Force 6 Smacking Darko Up, Flipping Him & Rubbing Him Down. Oh no.
It doesn't sound like you actually hate copycats, Jonathan.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Darko was the first person to put hooks on a rack or holes in a bar either… He's doing good work and running a fine business but you can't expect to not have competition, or for your competition to compete on the same terms as you.
The Arnold was 100% an inspiration – have fond memories
I admittidly haven’t been paying attention but when I see Force 6 stuff advertised my first thought is usually, “that looks like a knock off of XYZ”
Great video. It is a bit harsh to say stealing ideas/design. There is definitely major inspiration. Sometime imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
Some of his cable attachments look interesting. I thought about buying them before but didn’t because I saw the copycat barbell anchor on his website. I personally won’t buy from him.
It's weird being mentioned in so many videos lately without any of the video creators reaching out to chat ahead of time and get my pov. But hey, it's all about the clicks right?
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