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Gary Heather, Darren Nesbit and Martin Kenny are part of ‘The Flat Earthers’ who come from all ‘four corners’ of the globe even claiming that gravity is fake and The Moon Landing of 1969 was a hoax. So are their ideas ‘from another planet’ or have we all been conned by science?
Broadcast on 02/05/2018
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Dont let these people vote
These men aren’t well 🤒
It takes more than 150 kilometres to measure the earths curvature accurately. Any shorter length doesn’t show a curve. Sorry guys.
So scientists are wrong about everything but they’re right about having to be 50 miles up to see the curvature of the earth
How come none of these guys like, ride a couple planes or anything?
my stomach is flat. …………………………………………………………… no …… wait…. sorry, it's round. I was looking at it from the wrong angle.
There are also people that believe an invisible entity created the earth in 7 days😅
“What was the shape of the windows??” “No, I didn’t say that, I said what WAS the shape of the windows”
These guys would vote for Trump! Not only is the world flat but the sea is made of custard 🙂
Bet the Flat earther was baffled by ITV employing a wrong un.
Is the sun and all other planets flat too? 😂
Explain night and day.
5:40.. “but hes not a lier” 😬 welllll…. Kinda, kinda not
Look at the pictures from space simple
1:10 "water is always level" so that made you believe earth is flat? 😂😂😂😂😂
They aren't scientists and think the earth is flat? A lot of their info is from conspiracy sources.
That 6 per cent is worrying
Sun rises from the East , Sun sets in the west, the moon clearly visible at night, just look at its path, and that's proof the earth is round 😂😂
If they could use mathematics based on a flat earth that could accurately show when lunar and solar eclipses will happen people might believe but since that isn’t possible we are stuck living on a globe spinning in space!
They are cookoo and just like to be outrageously ignorant?
Oh Trump will be telling his maga now and those fools will definitely believe it?
They all have the same scientifically illiterate arguments 😭 lol 😂
Why is there ice at the poles if its flat?
Listen to Holly, is Phil a liar……wellllllll😂
Stop bringing people in shows unless they ve had their medication!😂😂😂
There is also a wealth of “research “ saying the queen of England was a lizard 😂
The guy in the middle is a master waffler
How can someone still believe we are spinning through space? NASA tells us in their paperwork along with our air force that their aircraft are flying over " a flat, non-rotating earth". Look it up, it's there.
Not giving free education to everyone in capitalist USA, as is done in socialist countries, like Denmark, Libya, Cuba, …., will cost the USA dearly.
I bet their wives children and family are soooo embarrassed knowing they went on national tv talking utter nonsense looking like 🛎️ ends
“He doesn’t lie”, says Holly about Phil. Ask her that same question now 😂
The scary thing about it is that these people and others like them are walking amongst us 😮
You can see on the ground whether Concorde's passenger windows distort things, and they don't. Before 9/11 you could also go look at the cockpit in-flight, and say the same thing to the poor pilots as everyone else in line says, and see the curvature out of the cockpit windows. Those windows are flat, which you can check for yourself by looking at any of the Concordes on display. And if you measure the level of a water surface over a mile using traditional non-GPS land surveying gear, which you can do in less than a day, you will measure 8 inches of curvature, and any surveyor can tell you this. Water does indeed find its own level at every point on its surface, but in a radial gravitational field those level points form a circle. These aren't the smart guys in the room like they think, they are the smug guys in the room. But the only reason they are smug is that they are too dumb to understand why they are wrong.
Ask them to explain a half moon….shuts them up every time 🌙
But what would be the point? Why would billions and billions of people hide this from us 😂 and not one person can give solid evidence. Hilarious
People, don't fret. They're just having a laugh!
I find the three stooges funny, but i find these three idiots funnier
I know these flat headed bunch so I won't watch the video because I get very angry.
So where is the photo they never show the photo you can see the Port of Vancouver clear to the water level from Pender Island 25 miles away the earth is flat
the only thing you need to know is every star or planet you can see is round but our earth is flat? that is all
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