How to use Unreal Engine’s Buoyancy Component to make a floating boat actor.
Here is the link to the UE5 documentation ( boat mesh )
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I like the debug scream, good video 👍 !
How do I go about rendering a floating object in a cutscene/movie render?
If using 5.5 when you turn on the plugins for water, you'll probably get an error when on restart that will tell you that you need to add WaterBodyCollision to the INI file. Just click the link in the error log and it will automatically be added. Then you will see WaterBodyCollision show up as a preset option.
Did everything as you but my boat never stabilizes, it always floats on the top and all the other points seem to not work at all.
PLS help my deadline is soon
It's floating, but I can't animate it.
how did you get the debugger view for pontoons to open?
I don't see PONTOONS and BUOYANCY anymore in 5.5… Is it now "FLOAT"?
thanks heaps mate, helped a lot!!!
thanks good video !
Nice video. It would be neat to see how to not show water inside the boat, any ideas?
do you have a discord as my boat the back of it just sinks while the front is more then enough
like subscribe!
Best info, thanks!
What needs to be done to prevent the boat from sinking under the character?
can you make tutorial how to make character get out of boat..?
not working, bouyancy debug command not working either
Thank You
Thanks so much! Been stuck for an hour because I didn't know why my boat flipped around like crazy, and your video is a life saver!
is there a reason why your Y is forward and not X, if i use a boat facing forward with X the things acts very strange buggy
Is there a way to make a section of displacement with a sequence while simulating buoyancy?🥲
Very clear instructions, thank you! Is this the same principal for big and small objects? Would you need more pontoons depending on how large the object is? I had tried this with a very large object, and maybe I need to fiddle with numbers but it would still slowly sink into the water, even on the lightest value
Hello, what is a "Apply Downstream Angular Rotation" maybe boat can be rotated to the flow direction?
Im having a reaaally confusing bug happen. The second it touches the water, the front of the boat gets launched into the ground, then the back of the boat floats up (mostly by 1 of the points), while the front is rubbing against the floor. All points are placed evenly across the boat just like yours.
If someone is stuck and the boat isn’t floating. at buoyancy, check the “Auto Activate” check box under the Activation tab. I assume, for some reason, the newer versions of UE disable it by default. Also, thanks for the video, really helped me a lot!
Thank you so much for this!! <3 Helped a lot with my project 🙂
Thanks for this, really helpful.
I might need support here, no matter what I do, my Unreal does not find Buoyancy. I restarted, I searched for plugins, googled, yet I do not find a solution. Do you have an idea what it could be?
It's not helpful that you didn't show how you're "adding" additional buoyancy points just by moving the scene component. It's clear you're inputting the values based on the transform location but you didn't explain or properly show how you're adding those points. Is it automatic? A feeling? And my boat is aggressively bouncing along the water by being nose down so what am I supposed to adjust?
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