Is it just us or is it getting a little hot in here? For this list, we’ll be looking at the most sensual musical shorts released across the decades. Our countdown includes Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Prince, Nicki Minaj, Janet Jackson, and more! What do you think is the sexiest music video of all time? Let us know in the comments!
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Which music video do you find the sexiest?
Check out our featured song: "Perfect Blue" by Paraline!
Although Justify My Love was one of those banned music videos on MTV, I find this song to be sexy. Way sexier than the 1992 song, Erotica.
what about "criminal" by fiona apple?
No pussycat dolls
I really liked Call on Me by Eric Prydz 😍
I’m a little surprised that Express Yourself by Madonna wasn’t on this list, that video was $ex¥ as F
slow by kylie minogue!
When I think of you I touch myself…Fail here.
No Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson?
this list is shambolic for not having pussycat dolls buttons lol it must been picks from women lol
🎉🎉🎉❤❤. Madonna. Song…❤❤ Enjoyed. Most…**""👍❤️
Really. Great. To. Feel. Such. Famous. Supr. Songs….❤❤❤❤❤
Where is Shania Twain's Man I Feel Like a Woman?
Cherry Pie by Warrant should be on here
Look, watchmojo i get apealing to the ladies in the audice but cant they have there own list? on Msmojo? can we pls get more sexy content for to men in the audince
i put on my boner diaper for nothin'n!
What about Cradle of Love?
Anaconda walked so WAP could run.
Why is Madonna always towards the top of lists like this. She was not that sexy. Most successful doesn’t mean sexiest as well. And that video..well it was more naughty than sexy in my view. And there’s NO WAY Aguilera ranks above Spears. (I think most every guy would agree). Shania, “Man I Feel Like a Woman” should probably be on the list somewhere. And one of my personal favs, (although less recognized), Joan Jett, “Dirty Deeds.”
Benny Benassi – Satisfaction kkbbthx
🤩 Um, Sorry, did you say something? 😂
Beloved- "Sweet Harmony"
Jem- "They" (European version)
Moloko- "Fun For Me"
Bodyrox- "Yeah Yeah"
My Bloody Valentine- "Swallow"
The two most erotic videos ever made above and here are some others:
Add N to (X)- "Metal Fingers In My Body" (animated)
Pussycat Dolls- "Stick With You"
Holly Valance- "Kiss Kiss"
Nite Jewel- "Kiss The Screen"
TLC- "Creep"
I was waiting for Chris Issac but you forgot Satisfaction by Benny Benassi
I am wondering if this was just a bait and switch or you really forgot to put in the list of links to the full songs/videos mentioned at the beginning of this video?
Where is Michael Jackson
Give in to Me
In the Closet
Blood on the Dance Floor
Musical short. Lmfao. Get over yourselves.
Waht happened to "I touch myself" by Australian band Divinyls?
What happended to "My babe did a bad, bad thing" with Chris Issak and Letitia Casta?
Its funny Vengars dad just said what mine always does .
Well, Fire meet Gasoline from Sia, with Pedro Pascal and Heidi Klum is too sexy
The very first one (Physical) is wrong so not watching the rest. Pffft.
Lenny Kravitz, Again
slut me out
I agree, Shakira's hips are magic, but hips don't lie isn't her sexiest video. It has the catchiest tune. Whenever, Wherever is her sexiest video.
Prince is absolutely the perfect short King.
Forgot the most sexual one in cierra ride OK come on how scandalous can you get with that one or how about Britney Spears and womanizer with the line too bad for you you got you got a swag of a champion too bad for you. Don’t know what to do with it oh my God, how dirty can you get with that or sexual? Can you get with that if anybody knows what a swagger of a champion means it’s talking about his dick.
Brittany Spears and womanizer
Definitely " Miley Cyrus " – " Wrecking Ball " ! Gets me every time !!!! 🙂
Seal – Secret (Feat. Heidi Klum) WOW
i think being it shot today, "Is there someone else" from Weeknd would make the list.
You guys are living in a box!!
Where's George Michael's Freedom 90 and Aerosmith's Crazy?
At the beginning. If Wicked Games isn't # 1 you've got it wrong
In Extremis – Gillian Anderson ft. Hal
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