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Why did you end this channel, Soldier?
Anybody else see that John Rettinger's camera man was wearing a.. a.. freaking bullet proof vest at 5:40
hahaha dude i like the washing machine dance
Wow dude your good lol
Miele is the best Producer of Consumer and Professional home appliances. And very expensive.
@SUPERBATMAN2010 so? i wasn't alive then.. not my fault.
Thumbs up if you clicked on this link because for a moment you thought it said fifa lol
Hahahahah waching machine!
@SoldierKnowsBest and all they do is kitchen and bathroom accessories. quality made in germany. sure worth the performance 😉
hope you had some extra time to see a little bit of berlins surface.. 🙂
5:40 It's John with his Technobuffalo Shirt !
the miele presentation killed me. lmao
5:16- i f***ing need to do that to a gti
fuck I have a new channel and forgot to subscribe to you……and then I hear that you were in berlin….i live in berlin….now i'm angry -.-
I use to live in Germany for 3 years. 1986-1989. And seeing something like this makes me wanna come back there. A show room of new electronics in Germany is like a gateway to the future world.
@howephillip21 wow ur rite he;s even waring a techno buf shirt!
Anybody else see Jon Rettinger at 5:40?
this is what heaven is gunna be like but free lmfaoo everything is huggee
Don't you have any other footage of the nice lady dancing behind that car!? 😛
Dude, Are there EVER any technology meetings in new york?
miele is the company which invented the washing machine 100 years ago
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