Natalie ‘Nadya’ Suleman, who was famously dubbed Octomom, is sharing why she and her 14 kids made the decision to step back into public life ahead of new Lifetime docuseries.
#octomom #lifetime #enews
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How Octomom Nadya Suleman & Her 14 Kids Are Taking Their Lives Back | E! News
Кастра́ция (от лат. castratio от castrare — оскоплять), холоще́ние, оскопле́ние — удаление репродуктивных органов у животных и людей.никогда не будут дети
She’s an amazing woman!
This 50yr old adult entertainer should focus more on raising her 14 kids in peace & privacy. No one needs anymore "narratives". Stop Cashing in.
❤ Imagine a baby daddy, ever doing an adult movie or anything to sacrifice to feed his kids. He would just leave the kids to the state to feed them.
1:13 the question is why did she need six kids
Taking her life back ,after all that government assistance, sorry not impressed 😐
Looks like Megan Markle….good for her…
Thank you for your videos.
We cannot find hope and peace in this world but there is Someone that can give us true hope and peace.
Because he Loved us: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Because of his Grace: Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Because of Hope: Romans 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Good for her. Beautiful children. The way the media treated her was absolutely gross. If she was a white woman, people would have worshipped her every move.
I hope they use the money wisely
I wish them all the best. It's only uphill from here ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
She's not evil like the media made her out to be. However, I find it "hilarious" that her shirt (its red) says to adopt animals and stop breedism 😂😂😂😂😂 when some may look st her and think that's exactly what she is. I can't wait to hear more about him the family is doing though
Good for her.
Nadya: I’m not Octomom, I’m a Mom”
ENews: “How Ocotmom Nadya Suleman..”
Nobody cares!
Alhamdulillah 🤲… semoga anak-anak ini menjadi insan yang Muslimin dan Muslimah.
I luv when you can prove people wrong. She did it with courage and resilience. Can't deny she really luvs her kids and they luv her. Hope her Lifetime endeavor. Is a huge success. Frankly, she deserved it. Wish her the best.
Good job girl, you proved everyone wrong,!!!
God gave her all this kids because he new she could do the best job he new she was a great mom.god makes no mistakes.
That's an incredible journey.
I hope she makes Soon money!
I cant believe they are 16 already! WOW time flys!
I hope beyond hope she and all the children are well
Your a Great woman you did what you had to do to make it for you and your children ❤
Wow shes a true gem 💎
She is a great mom ! She deserves praise for raising 14 children on her own!❤
Everyone scorned her. And praised Kate plus 8. But look whose kids hate them now.
How she could afford financially..hats off to her
My grandma was one of 13. I also judged Nadia and feel like a POS about it.
She looks good, her children look healthy and happy. Isn’t than all that matters?
I have 7 children, including twins.
Are you going to judge me also?
You go, Nadia!
they need money and careers.
No body hate u honey
Everyone was concerned about the kids bc u are irresponsible to bring so many to live without money or job or any father
Thanks to tax payers got free house money and food stamp medical
So many mocked her. Even Dr Phil seemed fake with her when interviewing her. She stood her ground and made fools out of those doubting her. Congratulations to her and her children! You did it! 🎉
My cousin use to promote her
The hand of God is upon your family, keep it up !
I prefer this mom Nadya that the crazies Kate plus Eight w the ongoing hate and division of her family and the battle against her ex husband John. Terrible parenting and coparenting!!😡
I wish the best to Nadya and her family!
She is beautiful
You could start by not calling her “Octomom…”
Your a marvelous mother. Happy birthday on inside edition.
She proved everyone wrong, nice job!
I love the red shirt she’s wearing in one photo – the irony! 😅 “Fight Breedism… Adopt!” Wow. From somebody who gave birth to 14 kids without adopting any! I know she’s talking about animals, but the lack of self-awareness is painful.
I cannot …imagine it’s been 16 yrs ..
It’s not easy to raise children! I wish her all God’s blessings. Job well done 👍 lady!
Wow, her kids have grown up so fast!!!! Very awesome job, Nadya!
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