In Andor Season two the fledgling Alliance to restore the Republic will be working hard to unite all the various insurgency groups. In this video we take a look at all of the players.
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I’m sorry, but your microphone cover, your low cut t-shirt and your blocking, makes it look like you have some major cleavage. It’s rather odd. You might try some other mic cover.
The v neck keeps getting deeper
Can I download the MON CALAMARI.PDF somewhere?
And apparently, the Galaxy is 77% human populated… especially given that thr Empire is humanity first, you would think that more aliens would be in the rebellion.
7:00 Tie advanced was thawns thing?
Great video. Besides the great characters and story telling of Andor, my favorite part is the fight for freedom. This video pumped me up the most so far. Andor, by far, is the best Star Wars anything ever for me.
I know it’s unlikely and not a faction but it’s been alluded that Garm Bel Iblis is around during this time. Would be a nice seeing him in the senate with Mon and Bail.
I have a feeling that Andor will be involved in putting Mon Mothma in that ship that joined up with Phoenix Squadron later on.
We will soon see large numbers of Rebel Vanguard troops from many worlds. ⚡️
Since we've seen Zeb in Mandolorian and Kanan, Hera, Chopper and Sabine in Ahsoka, do you think any of them could appear in Andor?
You probably allready know but probably many does not… Disney Plus (YouTube channel) has the 1st 3 episodes from the 1st Andor series aveilable to any one that wants to refresh memory or see for the 1st time!!
I know it won't happen but a captain rex or hera Cameo on the yaven episode, they don't need dialog but then standing around in the background would be a fun Easter egg that would make perfect sense
Ethan is one black pill away from turning to Ben Shapiro
1 Bail Organa résistance
2 Massassi group (Dodona)
3 Phoenix cell
4 Mon Calamaris
5 Axis network (Luten Rael)
6 Partisans (Saw Gerrera)
7 Neo-separatists
8 Ryloth guérilla
9 Cloud Riders (Enfys Nest)
10 Crimson Dawn
"Later on he would tragically die in that massive mining accident that destroyed Alderaan." 😂
that v is so deep its a w
I really want to see the Pheonix A-wings in andor
Why your hat like that?
Bail was in the game from the beginning. As far back as Revenge of the Sith , Bail is the big name, the one Padme trusted most:
“Bail, it’s the only way. It’s the only hope you have of remaining in a position to do anyone any good. Vote for Palpatine. Vote for the Empire. Make Mon Mothma vote for him, too. Be good little Senators. Mind your manners and keep your heads down. And keep doing… all those things we can’t talk about. All those things I can’t know. Promise me, Bail.”
Long live the empire!
I wanted to see Sergeant Linus Mosk joining the Rebels. Although it was just a short scene, his reaction after the riot ended adds a lot to the minor character and the story itself. Him joining the Rebels would be a good contrast to Syril joining the Imperials. Both started off being like-minded and on the same side, but having direct experiences with the Empire made them see the Empire differently.
Even though the Imperial source book is not canon it gives some information about both Imperial Navy and Old Republic sector group organization. On deviantart many Star Wars fans create their own ideas for starships for the Clone Wars and even the Empire, and it's just interesting because you see the difference between the Clone Wars ships were more anti-starfighter types, where the Imperial ships are more heavy sluggers. Former Republic Navy officers and crewmen would know how to work around even Old Republic ships that might still be in service with the Empire (those old ships were superior in many ways).
long live the empire
I'm even more hyped to see Andor season 2 after watching this!
And I'm holding on to the hope of seeing Chirrut Inwe or the Guardians of the Whills on Jedha, however briefly, in season 2. If we get Ben Mendelsohn please give us Donny Yen! And Kino Loi ….PLEASE!
Your mom called she wants her shirt back
I don't understand the people that are like "We don't want any cameos!" Even the ones that make sense. Yeah sure, nobody wants another show with Ahsoka or Luke, but Pheonix squad makes sense to show up.
Not just a "lowly theif…" When we see him in Rouge 1 he's LITERALLY the Larger Alliance's Spy Master or close to it at that time. An quite a high ranking and significant leader of the Resistance before the time of the OT Heroes began that signified the start of the end of the Empire
An Saw's Partisan Troops… The larger Rebellion SHOULDA used them as a Shock an Awe Guerilla Warfare SpecOps unit. Doing what he an them do BEST. An sow chaos an inflict all sorts of ambush damage against their mutual enemies
I was disappointed when I found out that Season 2 was going to be the last season of Andor. Disney should have made at least five seasons!
It be cool if we could see Ezra's parents
What about Key Vess or Omega? Weren’t they fighting, even if on their own?
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