Trying out the new BluGuitar AMP1 Iridium Edition Edition which is catered towards the metal player. It truly kicks all kinds of ass.
For more AMP 1 info go to
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So… I have a question for you regarding this BluGuitar Iridium vs the Tech21 Flyrigs that you also tested a bit ago. I currently run a Fractal rack setup, but looking for something that is more analog-based and more portable and yet offers pro-features, usability and of course sounds great, covering a range from rock to metal. Since you’ve had your hands on both platforms and have spent time with each, while I realize they’re not 100% apples-to-apples, I think both of these units are geared for the same purpose.. creating a all-in-one, small platform that still offers great tones and features. What I miss on the BluGuitar is the option of a delay effect, which is on the Tech21 units.
Anyways, I look forward to your response and guidance. Thanks and keep rockin’!
It realy kicks ass,,,i use normal a Kitty hawk that sounds also great but is a huge heavy amp..still love my kitty hawk tho...great amp 1.
Now instead of doing music and playing the guitar, I have to puzzle over what to do with this piece of… gear
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