Justin Bieber is sharing yet another cryptic message about friends and talking “sh*t,” just days after his 31st birthday. The Grammy winner’s post references the Gospel of John in the Bible, during which Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Full Story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1414398/justin-bieber-shares-cryptic-message-about-people-who-talk-s-t?query=bieber
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not cryptic at all. pretty straight forward summarization of that story. it's just that only his close friends would know the context he's applying that passage to
Justin killer African bee stings kill Lyme to disease
Who really cares about Justin Bieber? He has never been that talented. He thinks he is a rapper now. I'm flying high as a magpie…. really???? Just dumb!
He is in spritual warfare . Lets pray for him. Lord will give him Grace. He is delivering him . Jesus is king and lord of lords over every Demonic principality. Hallelujah Glory to the lord .
Pls God I pray for healing power to him pls protect him 🙏☝️
Justin need selena
religion is the biggest myth humans have ever created..
if I'm him I would be using my fame and money to invest and help people instead of babbling useless BS and get high
Amen! Justin many people pray for you. Hang in there…we are all a working progress.
He's talking about him being a Lazarus, God raising him up. His wife is evil…
cool post . 💯✌🏼
Justin your actions speak louder than the words you post.
Cut the Jesus rhetoric your clearly unconscious. Your not a preacher. Your not Jesus.
He will say anything for attention and that's Justin BEIBERs problem.
He always thinks he could cloak himself in other peoples energy as if we don't see what he is clearly doing.
Your unhealed Justin BEIBER because you refused to get out of the limelight and het treatment.
Stop lying is the first step into healing yourself.
Justin will live forever in heaven!
This isn't so much about hateful comments towards Justin Bieber and his comments on religion, but what this is about is the demons are working through human beings to attack anyone who speaks highly of Jesus Christ, therefore this is an attack on Christianity
Weed can be a crutch, and the friends you have, effect the future of your life. Be careful , Justin
Justin, you need to go back to your roots, remember the charm you had when you were young, strive to be mature, but never grow up
I needed to hear this.. been on a spiritual journey lately and it has been tough.. in the end days it says people wont have self control and i find myself doing that somtimes but not near what i used to afrw years ago.. ive been growing, maturing and trying to put myself second .. ive put so many people first in my life and it has led to turmoil. So i i still put myself second but not because i still put them before me, but because i put Jesus(Yeshua) first
Stay strong JB!!
Justice is 💯correct
😢😢😢😢 I worry that this country and hateful will end such a beautiful soul and once again we'll be sing Gone to soon. I prey that one day he realizes you fine just way God made no matter what people You have nothing to be embarrassed about ❤❤🏳️🌈🌈
Thats not their child???
a good sign.
he acknowledges that "Jesus Christ overcame the power of life and death"
that is the "main" doctrine behind Christianity.
Admitting Jesus was God who overcame death.
Some call it cryptic, some call it nice?
It's lazarus You Dumb Boy
I feel like your wanting a profound message to send out never read into social media by knowing yourselves. Remain confident keep your composure let them think? It hurts anyways i know and we all know your honest and loyal to your wife
My boy has lupus give him some grace he’s been in the spotlight for 20years
He is CLEARLY talking about all the lies scooter and all his old team he dumped keep planting lies about him, his wife, etc using the media. Nothing cryptic except to dumb media like E!
I like yuior portifull poillects
E! still hasn’t gotten over Justin dumping his Disney star stalker 12 years ago. The obsession to keep lying on this man and his wife…. EW!
Leave the Biebers alone and their family a l o n e!
Leave Justin and Hailey alone! Gross disgusting Enews failure!
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