Just like Gymshark, Shredz were one of the original fitness brands to use influencers in their marketing. However, just like Gymshark, this was the cause of their downfall, which included the now king of positivity, Joey Swoll.
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New fear unlocked:
Fake supplements
I paid for a Joey Swoll program like a decade ago back when he was with shredz. The volume was f***ing insane. It was like 15-18 sets per workout in a bro split.
Meal plan was also just random ass stuff to hit macros. One meal was black beans, broccoli, and canned tuna 😂 and 5 completely different meals a day. So my grocery bill was wack for the whole program window.
Nothing like spending 2hr/day in the gym and about 1hr/day meal prepping every single day
Bunch of crybabies in the comments
Btw this Arvin is the same one Sam was talking to in Jersey shore go figure
Finally a good video on this!!
Kelly sounds bitter.
Devin was a loser then , still is a loser now doing all that disgusting OF pix
Shredz down fall is also the reason why the shift in 2016 happened. Supplement companies started revamping and listing all ingredients.
Haven’t started this yet and I was just talking to people about this. I always was going to work with shredz until all this happened
I completely forgot that Joey Swole was a part of this mess of photoshopped hot garbage. Now that is how you do a "rebrand"!
Why do you think Joey makes the content that he does … Do you really think hes just a paragon for virture in the fitness industry or is he jusr tryinf to wipe his hands clean lmao
Now this is a throwback
Never EVER trust a roider.
To be fair murikka lets the goofy roids guys off the hook because they are nazi's…AKA maga…Joey is always saying…Do better….dirtbag…DO BETTER
Imagine calling yourself Devin Physique 🤣🤣🤣
I would not buy a single bread, even if starving, from these severely overpaid SCUMBAGS. Misspelled "influencers".
The reason I dislike Joey Swoll is because he recently made a video (a couple months ago), about a woman at the gym who recorded a guy taking pictures of her when she was working out
He titled it “women get harrassed in the gym, but you are not those women.” his fans then swarmed her Instagram attacking her with insults.
Well a day later it was proven that that creep WAS in fact taking videos, and he was banned from that gym. Joey deleted the video, but never apologised to the women, not even privately. And he never acknowledge his mistake so his fans would stop being psychos.
That left a really bad taste in my mouth
I went to high school with Arvin. AMA!
That's why Devin's physique has to do of now with old ass ladies blasting test.
Was this really ALL the talk in the early IG days????
i like your scottish accent
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