Home games SAITEK Pocket Sea Battle Electronic Game Review! Bert the Stormtrooper Reviews!

SAITEK Pocket Sea Battle Electronic Game Review! Bert the Stormtrooper Reviews!

by admin

Hello and welcome to Bert the Stormtrooper Reviews! Today we’re taking a look at a very interesting Pocket Electronic Sea Battle game by SAITEK!
There is very little information on this game online, how to program and play it, so I wanted to share programming instructions, tips and my thoughts on this fantastic version of this game!

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Background music by Kevin MacLeod

Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

#sea #battle #battleship


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@warwolveairsoft March 13, 2025 - 12:47 am

Wow…. never seen one of these! Awesome review.

@RazyelKayneReviews March 13, 2025 - 12:47 am

We had the coolest toys and games growing up, the golden age of electronics! Now everyone is on a cell phone, back then each kids had a different device that we all lent eachother. Great video Bert, I quite enjoyed that!

@ionacustoyreviews857 March 13, 2025 - 12:47 am

That was cool

@det.bullock4461 March 13, 2025 - 12:47 am

I know Saitek as a controller brand.
Mostly their bread and butter were joysticks, rudder pedals, yokes and HOTAS sets for flightsims on PC and sometimes consoles. They first got acquired by MadCatz who later sold them to Logitech that still sells several of their old yokes and HOTAS designs (mainly the X-52 and X-56 as well as the yokes and rudder pedals). I had one of their cheaper USB sticks (the ST-200) as my controller for PC spacesims for years before I got into more complex HOTAS sets.

That they also did toys explains a LOT about the design of their HOTAS sets, rather than trying for military replicas or lawyer-safe versions of such they always tended to do weird sci-fi stuff often with questionable quality electronics (in particular the X-56 which is a 250 Euros HOTAS set was infamously DoA very often, though that one was designed under MadCatz, earlier stuff was more reliable) and questionable ergonomics.
As a kid I never really trusted these electronic battleship games, I still have a portable plastic set.

@PatriotPrimeReviews March 13, 2025 - 12:47 am

Radio Shack had such cool toys back in the day, Knock Offs of course but still cool.
Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane.

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