We got the PlayStation 4! Sony’s new console comes out on November 15 in the US, but we went to Sony’s Tokyo HQ and asked engineering director Yasuhiro Ootori to give WIRED an exclusive look inside the new system—literally. Like, he takes it apart piece by piece and explains what all the parts do, and how they fit together.
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PlayStation 4 Unboxing Exclusive: A First Look at Sony’s New Game Console-Gadget Lab-WIRED
Starring: Yasuhiro Ootori
Perfeito! É assim que se desmonta um PS4 corretamente com segurança!
Genius 💙
My 2013 ps4 is still 100% working, its full of dust inside. Haven't opened it
I saw this video seven years ago and bought a ps4, and now seven years later I bought a ps5
500th comment
Gran diferencia con la play 5
Que bonitos recuerdos :")
We learn something new every day XD
here after the PS5 teardown 🙂
Came back to reminisce Yasuhiro Ootori's og 2013 Teardown prowess.
This guy seems cool. He should also do PS5 teardown.
so, you watched PS5 teardown.
The Japanese language is so soothing. This is like an ASMR VIDEO
This unboxing is much more enjoyable than the ps4 pro.
Where can I buy parts of a PS4 console?
im just wondering
what language is he speaking
500gb of storage and a 16gb of memory for THAT price?
Yeah, I'll stick to my PC.
This is the kind of techie-friendly stuff we should see from more companies. Hat's off (thanks) to the engineer director for this video. I'm rather surprised by the lack of component density on the motherboard. Ordinarily on PC parts, you have chips for the chipset, and capacitors + connectors everywhere. Even the standard video card PCB is filled with MOSFETS and capacitors. Not so on the PS4. I take it the PSU is probably the magic behind that.
This is why i am so happy to have bought a PS4, i am happy to pay for ingeneering and not for a very big box with a big and old design with a big stupid fan!
its not like a pc xbox well like a pc
i give ps4 a year before its fully hacked
I love the assembly animation at the end, very cool.
From the looks. This is a very well thought out design and it shows that a lot of time has been put into it. As for xbox, it seems like it was hastily put together. Sloppy job, frankly it's 2-3 times bigger than ps4. if i had to guess, microsoft waited to get some intel on ps4 specs and hardware from their spies but it was just not enough time :D.
video fake
where can i buy it?
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