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⏱️ Chapters
0:00 Intro
0:12 Dev 1: Vista
2:41 Dev 2: DanCodes
5:24 Dev 3: Jawa Beans
6:08 Dev 4: Bloxy
10:00 Dev 5: Nuubi
10:46 Dev 6: Kash
12:38 Become a Game Swap Dev!
13:28 Game Review
15:41 Outro 👋
15:56 Thanks, Brilliant!
Original Idea: @Blackthornprod
kaz was here 🦇🦇
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Not the random max verstappen mention
Bro Rodev is a great kidnapper💀
vista is 10/10
Kash is 76 yrs old 💀
What game is it
It was Dancodes
Kash should have added more types of car and when u finish you get money to unlock better cars👍
What is the roblox game called looks fun
A car game but an actual map and not nascar laps.
Damm this is so cool ❤
15:29 kash wins
Add more cars
Can you help me with my roblox game plssss
0/10 for bloxy, redid previously done maps to “his own taste” (lazy low poly) & also added NOTHING new or unique to the game
Yo u should make a military game
You should make one seeing if they can make a rpg game without communication
let me be in a video im a dev to RoDev 🙂
A transformer with 10 dev
vista 10 10
Where kash 10/10 with the lucky box
What game is this called?
Games name???
Why dont you give the name of the game
Why does kashtheking saying that she is kidnapped by you are you a kidnapper and just use them for money???
Vista 10/10
vista -10/-10
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