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John Riggs
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I'm actually suprised that Nintendo didn't even release "Donkey Kong" for the Game Boy library until one year after the release of "Mario Vs. Donkey Kong", since it would have been perfect to release such a game during that time.
Your two favorite games at once? How lucky for you
Tho I was surprised at Picross – one of those games where "I'll play for 5 minutes" turns into playing for 2 hours 😀
I understand DK being favorite Gameboy game, but Mario Picross, really?
9:20 I didn't know you were Canadian
DK 1994 is the best OG Gameboy game of all time. No lie.
I'm still waiting for Donkey Kong Country 64.
It is about time DK94 gets added
GB Donkey Kong AKA DK'94 is my favorite Gameboy game too. My sister loved playing it too, and she's not a gamer.
Donkey Kong '94 is sooooo good.
I played a friends copy of Donkey Kong and I had no idea it changed into a different game. It was a huge surprise to get tons of levels.
Donkey Kong is my favorite arcade game and DK ‘94 is just that on crack. So good.
100 percent agree with that statement. I've sunk so many hours into that version of Donkey Kong; it is a masterpiece. It's what made me get a Super Gameboy. I can't wait to sink even more hours into it on the switch.
You can also back flip when you have forward momentum by pressing back and jump. The amount of acrobatics you can kinda pull off in Donkey Kong is a bit nuts for a Game Boy game.
Literally l, Mario vs donkey kong
Love Picross. The SNES version was great too!
Picross is a game of Calculatus Eliminatus; you find the missing something by finding out where it's not! 😉
Why links awakening isnt everyone's favorite GB game is baffling to me
Lol "I used some random address from Japan" think I'll add the Nintendo HQ in Japan.
Nintendo of Japan: Wait a second…
The best DK game, for sure!
But it's a SHAME Nintendo won't allow us to change the Game Boy Color color palette like we used to do on the real thing. Anyone remeber that? During the Nintendo logo, we could press button combinations and the game colors would be different. I enjoyed playing DK in a sepia monochromatic color scheme, not in this red default one.
After you played 100 hours of picross, it's hard to watch John explain the game mechanics. He could have solved the puzzle in half the time… the SNES version is excellent and also available on Nintendo online.
Ah… THIS is the DK game where you can chuck the hammer. I knew you could do it… 30 years since I played it. Best GB game ever made.
It'd be appreciated if you got rid of the button information at the bottom when you do these videos. Not being mean, it's just a request.
I did not understand the picross at all, lol
John Riggs in the hizzzzooouuussseeeee
The Great White Hype!
I've been waiting for Donkey Kong to get added – Definitely cool that it's finally on there!
The best Donkey Kong game? Quite a bold claim when Tropical Freeze exists. But you once recommended Grapple Dog in a video and that turned out to be pretty charming, so I'll look forward to this one as well.
I recently discovered the Donkey Kong game and it's become one of my all-time favorites.
Good games all around
I have been waiting for Gameboy DK. So glad it's finally here.
It was mine blowing when donkey Kong opened up into the real part of the game when I was a kid. So cool, my 2nd favorite Gameboy game behind links awakening
John, you can turn off the bottom text in the Settings menu of the app, right under the screen filter options un-check "Show controls in game"
DK is in my top 3, along with Link's Awakening and Tetris. My only complaint is that it's pretty easy because extra lives are so prevalent, and you can skip chunks of levels with the special jumps.
That's awesome that Donkey Kong is on the switch. 😀👍🎮
50$ to play this donkey Kong gb for a month when it came out for 20/30$ to own for life… screw these greedy prix
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