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I agree with most but I disagree with the fact that Cecil was antagonizing mark. He tried that every possible instance to talk to Mark but was shut down. The thing that I think of you and Mark forgot is that Invincible's passive strength can be lethal. If Cecil doesn't already have his hand right on the button, his reaction time is so slow that his head can become a red smear on the wall because Mark flailed his arms so fast it accidentally created a sonic boom. I don't necessarily blame Mark. He was acting like a child because by all rights, he IS a child. And I dont blame Cecil for the interaction either. Cecil's job isnt dealing with children. He doesn't really know how to talk to one. And while I think Cecil started it with being a bit to much "ends justify the means", Mark's ego keept accelerating the problem by making childish claimes like "I'm not even doing anything!" or "Is that all youve got?!". So while I don't blame either, Mark is far more in the wrong. Also man fear is fear. If someone says they are scared there is very little grounds to not take that at face value. Its by its definition not rational. Besides he actively said to Omniman's fae he had his balal in his throat. He was scared then toom as he shoild be.
I disagree with these two big points
1. SC and dark wing are way more valuable than mark. Both S3 ep 1 and S3 ep 7 prove this. Ep7 mark does not defeat a single evil mark while both the reanimen and dark wing did. That also lead to more lives being saved.
2. Cecil was most definitely not lying about being scared. Cecil would know the best that mark could perception blitz him. Mark then proves this later in the season.
3. You also say SC and dark wing are free when they are not. S1 ep 7 Cecil threatens to throw SC back in prison if he doesn’t follow orders. Dark wing told Mark he fucked up, Cecil helped him realize that, and is planning on redeeming himself. Then Mark attacks him.
I’m so tired of mark always bitching about everything. Eve is just propping him up to Melaka him feel better but he whines a lot
Try to talk to Mark (wich he did) and if that doesn't work then just do what he said?
First, you're thinking in the typical "he's the main character so he's always right" line of thinking that another character has no reason to follow.
Second, Mark threatened Cecil (the head of the U.S. security) on repeated occasions.
Third, just in that episode, every single superhero was saved by Darkwing and the reanimen.
Fourth, a dozen and a half evil Marks attached the world and the main one refused to fight because his girlfriend was injured.
Fifth, the Viltrumites are coming and so far Invincible has been defeated by every single Viltrumite he has faced.
Cecil was Right
While Cecil didn't play his cards right, I'm slightly more on his side than Mark's/I think Mark was being whiny and hypocritical and also I think Cecil didn't want to repeat Omni Man and that's why he showed Mark he had failsafes, to show that they were prepared even if that did backfire.
0:43 intense psychological reprogramming doesn’t sound like a cushy government job….
People forget one crucial detail, Cecil was scared. A teenager murdered the Reanimen that rescued every hero in the world, rejected Dark Wing, then broke into the Pentagon demanding Cecil to shut them down and lock up Dark Wing and Cecil.
Cecil even said "You're scaring the shit out of me."
Mark may be noble and wanting to do good, but he's 18 or 19, maybe 20 at most. The dude is emotional and impulsive.
To counter argue with his scene towards Omni Man, he was stalling while outdoors in the open. He was desperate and threw himself into the ring to buy more time. And lets face it, he was betting the Earth on Mark because simply put, Omni Man would win and there wasn't anything Earth could do to retaliate.
What Cecil did was dumb and ended up diving the Guardians whilst losing Mark's trust. But the results of his actions prove he wasn't all wrong.
The Reanimated killed 2 Invincibles, and Dark wing sacrificed himself to remove one Invincible and save the Guardians. That is 3 variants killed while Mark panocked and grieved at Eve's bedside during a war. Everyone's lives are at steak, potentially millions are dying, and the Earth's strongest is choosing not to fight :/
Mark may be strong but he's not reliable, while Cecil is untrustworthy but always locked in and focused on the mission. I can see both sides of the argument but when the safety of the world is in jeopardy, throw those morals out the window.
I wish one of the alternate invincibles followed the same exact path as our invincible, but the conflict with Cecil broke him and turned him against humanity. Would be interesting to see that universe in general
Cecil doesn't have to trust Mark. But he DID have to be more patient in dealing with his best weapon and BE someone Mark could trust. If he revealed his own past and admitted to his own actions once he took Marl under his wing, he'd have had an understanding ally that could check him if necessary. Instead, Earth's 2 greatest protectors are at odds because Cecil failed to employ BOTH sides of a grey world view with Mark.
The thing about Cecil is, he focuses so much on whether Mark turns out like Omni-man, that he doesn't think about what happens if he himself starts thinking about the Viltrumites (remember Anissa's introduction).
Cecil could've also just lie and say he'll put them in prison.
I agree with this. Cecil is right to have contingency plans but was dumb for using them in thus situation when he could have just talked to Mark
people really think that he was right again Mark but it's not like he has ever shown any Hostility again them before thay moment and on top of that he didn't do that much he hit the table and broke it and he was yelling because his best friend almost got killed and turned into one of the robots and even before that his best friends boy friend was turned into a robot and you expect him to he calm
Half of you forget that America employed Nazi scientists in order to put us on the moon… That is if you believe in the moon landing which I can't trust some of you to have such common sense.
Honestly, in my opinion, there is no situation in which Cecil is wrong. There's no way that a teenager with the power of a God should feel comfortable barging into government headquarters and demanding things of a person who has been protecting the entire planet for longer than you've been alive. If Mark can't respect the genuine good that Cecil has done for all of humanity not just America as a citizen. Then honestly he didn't learn enough in civics or in government politics because Cecil's sacrificed a lot of his morality, youth, and ability to go to heaven for the protection of others. Mark has only really sacrificed his relationship with his dad.
plot required the end of the relationship, writers couldn't think of a way to do so without making Cecil look dumb
Cecil having these counter measures I have no problem with. Him using them on Mark however was way out of line. Mark was upset yes, but Cecil should know Mark wouldn't hurt him, especially considering Mark's whole reason for being upset was Cecil working with criminals. Cecil was idiotic for escalating the situation the way that he did.
This is kind of similar to DC with Amanda Waller
The old saying is dont reveal your hand to soon or you take an ally and make them an enemy you don't want
The issue isn’t that Cecil did morally questionable things.… It’s a fact he did morally questionable things stupidly. Why would you want to piss off the strongest man on the planet who is also your only hope of having a snowballs chance in hell at surviving becoming invasion.
You can make arguments back-and-forth about whether or not hiring former villains is right or not, but the simple matter of the fact is how Cecil chose the dumbest course of action for the long-term survival of the planet by alienating Mark.
I-what? These are extremely bad faith arguments.
-Mark was NOT listening to reason during his first encounter with Cecil. Cecil was right that "why do you get to decide that your dad deserves a second chance, but not anyone else?"
-Using the weapon the first time was the right call. Again, Mark was not listening to reason. Cecil gave him every opportunity to talk. Mark didnt want to. He wamted his way, or no way.
-Cecil was absolutely scared. Just because you put up a good front doesnt mean you arent scared. Cecil hides EVERYTHING. And he told Mark he was scaring by menacingly walking towards him all pissed off, Mark didn't stop. Didnt calm down. He kept going.
-You ignored the fact that, without rehabing the reanimen and Dark wing, the evil Marks would have succeeded and Team immortal would be dead.
Cecils ONLY mistake here, was chasing Mark down amd not telling the team exactly what was going on instead of "this isnt a democracy"
And no, he should not have trusted invincible. You do not blindly trust ANYONE. Mark is young. Easily impressionable. Theres a reason most versions of him are evil. Cecil already saw what a "helpful" viltrimite was capable of and how good a liar people can be. You plan for the worst but hope for the best.
Plus, Mark is their strongest hero, but lets not conveniently forget that Mark hardly 1v1s anybody and up to that point, Cecil has watched Mark get CLOWNED and beaten to a bloody pulp on numerous occasions and only survived because of the team. They all admitted as much during the Dark wing fiasco. Without Dark Wing, they were fucked. Without Dark Wing, that one version of Mark would have succeeded.
I just do not understand your surface level arguments. Its very black and white and thats not how things work.
I think having contingency is good and all but it’s not your first and only solution to diplomacy. When he shows his hand it destroy his relationship to mark and the rest of the heroes.
Personally i say neither were right nor wrong either as both of them made valid points which was the whole point of the scene. Cecil is right to reform villains which is basically what superheroes do anyways they help reform villains and guide them towards redemption but he was wrong to hide the fact he had sinclair working for him for almost 3 years. If he had told mark in season 2 or at the end of season one he would’ve still been pissed but would’ve gotten over it eventually for the greater good. So from my perspective of the scene i would say mark is right to not trust cecil but should know as a hero that people can change and be redeemed and cecil was wrong for not keeping the guardians in the loop so they’re prepared for what goes on in the gda to avoid conflict within the team. So all in all neither were right or wrong but both sides made vaild arguments.
1:51 Cecil’s using the corpses of dead soldiers not enslaved people
Cecil kept going on about egos being broken and people refusing to shut up or back down but in reality it’s him who had his ego
Broken, it’s him who wouldn’t shut up (at least about his ego) and literally refusing to back down from hostility. What he didn’t like being yelled at by a guy who never laid a hand on him before? “Omg I better use my secret weapon for an incident I never encountered yet!”
Mark, next question.
Not having a moral compass and just doing whatever it takes to get ahead doesn’t make you cool or a realist, it makes you wrong. This isn’t even including how he betrayed Mark.
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