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Be honest, do we sound similar?
I don't hear it.
6:45 is me in real life😂😂
Seriously Zim, you do not sound like Bub Games. There’s a certain deadpan-ness to both of your guys’ voice, but they are very distinct from one another. I was thinking people were just being rude by calling you that, but after the math wiz at 6:40, they’re really, and I mean, really lacking in the cognitive department. 21 – 7 should not nearly 20 seconds to answer. Bro was probably pulling up a calculator. No wonder Americans chose Trump; he truly loves the uneducated (I’m American btw).
Lol, they both are Australians, but zimery and bub games don't sound the same, lol, Bub has a deeper voice, lol.
When they both gun smack each other 😂😂😂😂
Pulling up to those bikers with the fit has to be one of the greatest GTA RP moments of all time LMAO
Bub games has a 3rd channel? Awesome!
'Not my fault you VDMd when I was invisible' -Dumbest Admin Alive
When you go out at night in all black and cross a highway: 'Not my fault clothes are so dark'
'He's just a Youtuber I swear these guys are corny as Hell' -Cop with no self-awareness
Yeah, the Youtubers are the ones that look like idiots… Not the guy who paid a ludicrous amount of money to power-trip on a video game.
Also, There are so many dorks on different RP servers, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in every country made videos about how stupid they are.
I’d say you’re the sane version of Bub
Hey you guys can pronounce Rs!
Get outta here you scallywag😂
6:54 🤐
asking a mechanic to do maths is a hate crime
legend has it hes still calculating his age
That “get out of here you scaliwag” 😂
love how the cop/kid was cool and trying to give zim 1000 chances instead of punishing him. Rare roleplay W
Ok, Bub Games
yo try ladjorp they get so mad so quick
dont sound alike
Bruh I watched every single one of your video and they all funny I don’t like bub games video doe I seen one video an didn’t like it
Hey bubs
Then stop copying him
Always nice when bub games uploads
One gta rp server is better than this one
Take a shot every time someone calls him "bro"
I love you Bub Games from temu
Lamest looking bikes ive ever seen.
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