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Man as much as I love Gears I can't justify buying this without the mp. Especially the first time on PS with no mp is unacceptable. My excitement for this has greatly diminished, heart breaking.
Its going be trash and boring without the coops bc i cant play with my friends and so on like Ninja guardian or whater tht also trash i stop playing it bc it dont have coop in team Mission its so boring play with bots its like this one beat it and stop playing it for 5 or 30 years later or so
No co op is disrespect .. not surprised from Xbox
I’ve never cared for multiplayer I’ve only ever played campaigns with halo and gears plus others so it’s fine by me plus I like getting platinum with no multiplayer there’s no multiplayer trophies to worry about so it’s a plus for me.
They can keep that game. Where’s my 360 at
i'm the most hardcore Gears fan ever since 2006 and i'm not touching this heaping pile of shit.
Was only buying to play with my partner so if true won't be purchasing this one. And would be a damn shame. Plus a total f'up by Xbox.
The funniest thing about this generation is that as much as they force multiplayer on us they don’t want to give us the multiplayer games we ask for
I dont mind skipping the multiplayer because its fun at first but then the cheaters and all the wall bouncing takes over and ruins it i hope they find a way in e-day to slow mainly the wall bouncing down some how
I’m not much of a multi-player guy so it’s still worth it to me.
Gears of war 2 in the collection atleast deserves multiplayer, since the connections back then were so bad it never truly got to shine, if it had the dedicated servers of nowadays it would be perfection. The collection is pointless without that
Bro not having mp for gears would really piss me off
I absolutely suck at the gears multiplayer, so i only dabled at best. It doesnt really bother me, i still play nathan drake collection, far cry 3 classic, MW2 campaign remaster over the most recent games in those franchises and they are all missing their multiplayer components. Even if its just gears 1,2 and 3 (judgement wou,d be nice too) thats more than enough content for me
If it doesn't, they better make sure to go all out with E-Day. This can't flop like 4 and 5 did.
as an og gow3 tdm champ, this is good for ps5 users but the lack of pvp will not bring back og players like myself . why would we buy it , we already have the games on our consoles . this will be another terrible idea from TC
For years we had said if halo or gears went to playstation, it's going to be singleplayer only and severely downgraded from the xbox version, even if old games released on console. And lookee here. Single player and downgraded.
Imagine if the PS5 version was just the campaigns, but PC and Xbox got multiplayer. That would certainly spite the Helldivers 2 situation, where nobody complains about it not coming to Xbox but everyone complains about Gears of War coming to PS5. That would so damn funny.
Not gonna lie them focused on reworking the campaign mode is a good thing multiplayer ruins games i like a good story drive game the campaign needs more focus get the lightning right and the textures and keep the dark tone and the weight or make it feel heavier make the locust look more terrifying
Is it really that bad? I never liked the multi-player in Gears, so this is literally a nothing burger for me.
I'm not paying $60 if it doesn't have multiplayer. They probably will have it as an upgrade that would make more sense.
I am definitely not buying it if we've got no co-op campaign because what's the f**** point
I hate stressy multiplayer games…! Top news!
I don't care gears of war was all about the campaign and horde mode for me haha 😂
I don't care about pvp, the only reason I'd want co-op is if I play with my son, in which I'd want couch co-op.
Yeah no thanks!!!
They said that all of them xbox ones coming to PS5 are digital. So fuck that , im only buying physical discs.
This is awesome playstation has won
Had me worried for a second there. I'm a single player kind of guy now anyway, since my son was born so I'm not bothered in the slightest. (I own it on Xbox too if MP is absolutely necessary)
Fired Phil he killed Xbox
I bet there'll be no remasters too lol
Way too many spineless people in here okay with them ripping you off by removing content from old games haha
No wonder the tiny hat tribe owns all of us.
The multiplayer pvp was the best part of GoW like wth! So disappointed
if it gears of war and halo move to ps5 now Xbox is dead
Dude how do you release Gears 3 with no multiplayer? The campaigns are amazing and still worth playing but no multiplayer? Guess they don't want to split multiplayer playerbase between 3 and E-day.
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