😭 #DavidJohansen #NewYorkDolls #BusterPoindexter
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David Johansen Dies Amidst Unbearable Health Struggles. The Legendary Musician And Actor Was:
Perez Hilton
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Remembered him as Buster Poindexter. Loved his music
The Dolls are my favorite band
LUV lamf
Hey, could you post a picture from your time at school resembling him?
I loved the New York Dolls in the 70s. I saw him in LA, and saw the specials. An original. Rest in peace. I was shocked to hear of his passing.
One of the best rock pioneers-Loved his solo the best! RIP
RIP… You do look just like him and that is so uncanny. You need to check your DNA. You may be related.
Thanks for the info. Had been completely unaware of this legends long term health problems. Good man done gone and can't help but feel bitter. Meanwhile, other less valued septuagenarians keep hanging around stinking up the joint. Come on Grim Reaper lift your game!
I remember the New York Dolls when I was like 16 years old when they put out their first album personality crisis they were a big influence in my life growing up David Johansen you will be missed godspeed rest in peace 🙏❤️
Feelin hot hot hot was my jam!! Im so sorry my heart is hurting for his family xoxo may they find peace
He was so good in scrooged. This is sad.
I had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with he and his then wife K.Simon he loved the Corn Stalk Fence hotel a favorite spot in the infamous French Quarter in New Orleans they were friends with my girlfriend from way back Leigh "Lil Queenie"Harris we all had a great few days together Good Bye David
Ron Perlman yes I see it
Peter Dinklage a cutie
Plus a superior actor!
He was ecstatically loved 🥰
New York dolls “TRASH” best song 4eva❤❤❤😘
Glad he passed at home with his family
And music of course
Heaven has a new angel to sing in the choir
He was good looking imho
So take it as a compliment ❤
So sad
Such a talent 😢
My sincerest condolences go out to his family and friends.
Just got my t-shirt from the family's Go Fund Me campaign, and am so sad David wasn't able to recover from this last bout of health issues. I hope the money donated can cover at least some of whatever remaining medical bills they may have.
It's beyond ridiculous that the NY Dolls aren't in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame and if they DO make it in, they managed to wait till all surviving members were dead. Since they started inducting people in 1986, it could have happened when they were ALL still alive. Jeez. Better late than never???
Never thought of you looking like David Jo but now that you mention it I can see that (and also get the Peter Dinklage and Ron Perlman resemblances). I'd find these comparisons flattering as I like all these men, but always see you as the one and only Perez Hilton.
As far as David Johansen goes, I used to see him back in the day when he played on a fairly irregular regular basis at Tramps in NYC (at the smaller original location on 15th St), sitting in with the house band, The Delancey Street Hawaiians. The drummer for that band was (often, always, usually?) Tony Machine, who played with the NY Dolls at one point. That was the incubation spot and time period when he was creating his Buster Poindexter character. Was good friends with someone in the band so always was on the guest list.
Back in the NY Dolls days, I had a girlfriend who was friends with bass player, Artie Kane, and I was hanging out with a guy named Christian who was credited on the back of their first album for their clothes (he owned/worked at a below street level funky antique clothing boutique on St. Marks Pl and I wish I could remember the name of it…on the other side of the street from Bowl and Board), but oddly (and sadly) enough I managed to never see them play back then.
Fave NY Dolls song – Personality Crisis is a classic.
Crazy good times and still alive to tell the tales. ❤☮🌎
I used to take the Staten Island ferry with him back in the 70s… we used to joke that he looked like Mick Jagger.
Dang all these celebrity deaths in the same week Gene Hackman and his wife and dog, Angie Stone, and now David Johansen omg Lord have mercy
Rest in peace to all – sending condolences to their families 🌺 💐
God I loved the Dolls. I was obsessed from the day I noticed them. Just the freedom and attitude of the band existing in that space and time… not giving a FCK what people thought. It slapped the music industry in the face and reminded everyone that making music is about having fun. None of them went in pleasant ways. Billy suffocating on his own vomit while being force-fed coffee, Johnny being hopelessly addicted to heroin and developing a nasty case of leukemia, Jerry having repeated strokes from bacterial infections most likely caused by a lifetime of heavy drug usage, Arthur going to the hospital for what he thought was a bad flu and dying 2 hours after being diagnosed with leukemia, and Syl and David's struggles with cancer until their demise. I love this band and I want to thank them for what they gave the world. RIP New York Dolls
Lets give all these poor people the respect & comfort they deserve. Thank God they're not in this hell hole suffering anymore.
I spent time with him, Mara and the dolls in Newcastle. It’s awful this happened so close to them reaching out for help. RIP David. You do look like him
Awww, Perez. I love your tender heart. May he rest in peace. 🙏💖
You just reminded me that I saw him perform at Videopolis at Disneyland.
David looks like you. You look like David. Two gorgeous, talented men.
Good age ,timeline gift of 75 ( no more pain is the gain- bless his loved ones thru this time 🙏
The first time i saw David was on a Miami Vice episode where he was singing at a party on a boat. That made me want to know who he was, thats when i found The New York Dolls. Thank you David for the music,the fun when i was just 14 years old. What an all around cool guy.
Without The New York Dolls there we wouldn’t have had Glam Rock. Twisted Sister even states that The New York Dolls were a major influence on them.
i saw this cool pic of him and Bowie. Rest in Peace
I love you for posting about David's passing. He deserves more media attention in my opinion. He was a freaking icon for goodness sakes. lol May he rest in peace.🫶🏻🕊
Oh wow buster died?
RIP legend, so very sad to see you go. Long live the Dolls🎸🎸🎶 Many condolences to the family.
Rest in peace in the arms of God.
YOU ARE A TRUE JOURNALIST. Thank you for sharing your passion for researching your stories for all of us to hear and I soo appreciate your heartfelt telling of peoples stories.
RIP love. I'm sorry the last years of your life was so painful
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