In today’s episode, I review The Simpsons: Road Rage! The first Simpsons game to release within a month of the GameCube launch was a Crazy Taxi clone, but was it one that was actually better? Find out in the review! If you enjoyed the video, be sure to like, comment, and subscribe!
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I was never big into The Simpsons but this and Hit and Run are some of my favorite memories from it. Thanks for the memory refresher!
One of my favorites!! 🔥
The Simpsons Road Rage was a game my stepdad randomly got me for the Xbox. I knew it was very Crazy Taxi-ish, but at the time I enjoyed the Simpsons before the show started to go down hill. I never knew there was an end goal, I certainly didn't reach it. I do remember loving Homer's unlockable vehicle from the aforementioned episode. I liked that episode and you're right, you can tell the creators were Simpsons fans. I don't remember the mission modes… to be honest this one was a game I didn't put too much time into. I played it a few times then kinda forgot about it but I definitely did the free-roam mode. I never knew that there were legal battles from Sega haha, that's quite funny. I'll have to fire this up again and give it a real shot as an adult. Good review, GCG!
Loved this game on ps2 and have it for gamecube
Ive always preferred simpson road rage over craxy taxi. While it doesnt feel and play quite as well. The simpsons asthetic and unlockables made it far more replayable. I unlocked most character and put a solid 15 hours into when playing it on a wii that was preloaded with a ton of gq games. Ty etsy. I played on ps2 back in the day.
I don’t think I’d trust Homer the taxi driver. 😂
Road and Rage was absolutely Crazy Taxi styled but was witty and nice! it's one of my favorite games of all time
Crazy taxi as far as I know didn't have a head to head multiplayer mode. That's why I love this game. You havnt lived till you have played competitive crazy taxi
Great review. I dipped into this a bit in 05 but never really got far. I may buy it again
Lots of hours put into this on the weekends growing up!
One thing this game does better than Crazy Taxi is the hand braking. I always get a bad rating in Crazy Taxi just because the braking sucks! Or at least the versions I've played.
I heard the Gamecube version might be the best console version of Crazy Taxi, but I don't know if it's true. I know Crazy Taxi 3 was only on PC and Xbox, but I have much better luck setting up the PC version than using Xbox emulation just to play it on my computer.
I will play the Nuclear Power plant level with Frink sometimes to see how much I can play til I'm sick of the game.
Best score right now is about 120,000 thousand
I always enjoyed the GBA version of this one as well. I'm glad you mentioned it a couple of times now. Another great video man! Thanks for all the GameCube content from a fellow GC diehard!
Anyone ever notice how electric vehicles today have the same hum as the nuclear buses from Road Rage? lol
2:57 That's 2 stars for hitting chief wiggum 😤 and now hes glitched through the ground, it's all your damn fault 😡.
I like The Simpsons: Road Rage
He’s back with the Simpsons
I'd forgotten how fun this game was until I watched this review. I remember Hit and Run being amazing but now I need to hunt this one down to play again.
Road Rage is certainly a phenomenal game to be sure, but if you think this Simpsons game is fantastic, wait until you try out Hit and Run! That game takes everything great about Road Rage and amplifies it tenfold to create what is hands down the best Simpsons game of all time!
"To those who have never watched The Simpsons." Never watched The Simpsons?! I couldn't imagine a world.
I truly believe if I had nostalgia for this game like I did with crazy taxi I would naturally like this game better, but unfortunately crazy taxi is the winner in my opinion. But damnit, this game is so close! So damn good!
Hopefully we get another simpsons game soon.
Great review! I still say this is better than crazy taxi 🧡
Loved this game as a kid. One of the earliest games I got for my PS2 back in the day. Really wish this and hit and run weren’t so damn expensive nowadays though. I’d love a remaster for both but I’m really not sure if we’ll ever get it. Nice video man and thank you for taking me down my childhood memory lane!
The Simpsons: Hit and Run is brilliant. 😀👍🎮
Sucks all Simpsons VA are older now , so a remake with Lines redone would have the age acting
Great video awesome review
Pretty sweet review 😀 I kinda know the game but Hit & Run was the better Game 😀
What if I told you I’d never played this game?? 😬 😳
“CRAaAaAaAAaaaazyyy SIMPSONS!!” 😂😂
Excellent review! I haven't played it yet but I will add it to my list
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