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You are speaking my language. I was lucky – 20+ years in the Army (Infantry). I had to be in shape (mandatory fun). Now, my wife and I workout to Juice and Toya on YouTube. The HIIT workouts are great and they do all the planning for you. Try it and let me know what you think. You are gonna look like you are made from granite.
Im in to fitness…. Fitness whole fried backstrap in my belly!!!
68 workout MWFS 8:30 till noon each day and in the best shape of my life. Last body scan I gained 6lbs of muscle and dropped 2% body fat down to 20%. Starting February ruck every afternoon at3:30 up and down hills and steps for an hour with 30 lbs on my back. I solo mule deer hunting in Colorado wilderness in sept. I also saddle hunt (last 30 years) and you need to be in shape to climb trees. Being in shape is a mind set, my wife says the gym is half my life and I say so I can do the other half as I want !! 💪💪🏹🦌🏔️🏕️🙏
Good video. I see these guys asking what saddle is best for a 300 pounder, and my answer is always to lose the weight. I dropped 30 lbs and it made all the difference. Getting to the tree is easier, quieter, climbing is easier, the saddle is more comfortable, etc
Fitness will make you better at everything. It's much more important as you age. I'm 70 and work out 5 days a week. It has enabled me to continue to do the things I love, even at this age. My peer group, which are all around my age depend on me to put their stands up for them. Just bragging a little here.
You will drag deer out like a machine if you are in shape to roll a few 6 minute rounds in a row.
I’m exactly where you are Josh, strongest I’ve been, lifting 2-4 times a week for 8.5 years straight (with an occasional off week for recovery reasons),but I’ve been slacking on getting consistent cardio in. I find sometimes walking into public I have to take breaks sometimes and remind myself that I’m getting close to slow down so I can stay stealthy. When I get to the tree quietly I’m pretty confident about getting into the tree silently as it becomes more of a strength game to stay quiet in my mind.
I agree being in shape is very important for hunting especially when we get older. I do crossfit. Crossfit is both weightlifting and cardio. It mostly strengthens your endurance. Like you said Josh, having too much muscle can actually make hunting harder ,my uncle is a great example of that he is a huge bodybuilder (doesn't do any endurance training) and can't go a long ways let alone run. Also If u are having trouble with your knee when you run try running on dirt paths or trails in the woods the concrete or black tops roads are actually hard on your back and knees because your feet are landing on a flat surface and aren't able to move and the muscles can't strengthen themselves. You actually won't your feet to land on uneven (obviously not ridiculous rocky or anything) ground so it builds up your feet muscles. Great topic again Josh👍
More muscle you have, the harder it is to have good cardio because the it takes alot of oxygen to supply the muscle our age its hard to have both.
I'm getting older,57 this year and have had some bodily injury over the years. So the last couple years I've been training (on purpose) to be in hunt shape come season. Biking is huge, I usually ride my bike with stand etc to the archery range, shoot for a while ride back get some nutrients and head out to scout, oh don't forget to climb train before season. Definitely helps get the rust off and work on your stealth. Can't wait till next weekend hill country workshop with seriel killer!
Started trying to get into better shape when my buddy started dragging me on hunts out west. Strength training can be anything for cardio i jump rope for 15 minutes 3 times a week
I just need to get out hiking, exactly what you’re doing. Best kind of excercize
So true, I’m 57 and although I’m not overweight, maybe a little . Just need to get more excercize to create a better overall hunt. These winters are long in the north
Won't be much longer and there won't be much, if any public land left. Compared to the 70s and 80s when I roamed a lot of public. Most of what I use to hunt in Wisconsin has been sold off long ago.
Absolutely correct
“Don’t be an 🐜!”
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