Episode 1 of Phil-Tech
-What is this show about?
-Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone unveiled
-Some of my 8-bit music
-Apple vs. Android
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Good show. All the comments below pretty much nailed the coffin. As for Apple vs Android, apple is the way to go for either phone or tablet. Just really easy interface and a lot of people have it. Suggestion for next show: review a laptop.
Cool video – The intro and animations are really cool, but try to memorize your script before you record. if you have a good idea of what you want to say memorized, then you can speak as if you are just talking and not reading or trying to remember. Try not to cut in the middle of lines too much – just get a good take of the full sentence rather than piecing it together.
No problem, anytime 🙂
Great intro
Great vid
Hi, i thought the intro was good, but i did think you needed to be more animated, hand gestures, facial expressions, thought you sounded a little bit robotic too. Oh & drop the megaman. To add my bit to the debate i will say this, i have a HTC Desire, about 16 months old & while i like the android os and the look of the phone, it's a lemon. It has been in for repair, come back & still goes into a boot loop when trying to watch internet video, so now i have an iphone 4 & HTC is gathering dust.
Good video, but let me give you some advice: YouTube is not a college board. Loosen up a bit, and let your lines flow more fluidly. Talk to the camera as if it was a friend . Do not make it sound so scripted out. Have fun! Thanks for sharing!
Too many cuts
cool stuff, thanks for sharing with me!
Great video! Needs more hand gestures! Keep up the good work. Talk to us like we're your friends, too. It's hard, but it'll help!
no i ment as a funny things out of the 15 million lines of code written for the android there suing over 9 lines
did you here how much code it that is being sued over for android
aw the dogs at 2:00
also, maybe if you set up the shot a little further round, you wouldn't have the glare from the window, and more light on your face XD
Are you a robot?
The music was good, but Mega man died too much..
Android phones rock.. apple is so so.. I don't have use for a tablet, have a gaming PC, a laptop and a galaxy s2.
PS you're Cute as!!
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